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词汇 罗杰
例句 Film critic Roger Ebert has a new partner for his movie-review television program.影评家罗杰·埃伯特为他的影评电视节目找到了一位新搭档。Apparently, Roger and he tried to gatecrash a private party taking place at the hotel.看来罗杰和他未受邀请,却企图参加一个在酒店里举办的私人聚会。Roger Neuberg writes in a simple and understandable way.罗杰·纽伯格的文章简明易懂。Roger gambled away all his money in a Las Vegas casino.罗杰在拉斯韦加斯的一个赌场输掉了他所有的钱。Roger stepped forward and Martin put out his arm to restrain him.罗杰跨步上前,马丁伸手拦住了他。Roger took painting up for a while, but soon lost interest.罗杰有段时间对绘画产生了兴趣,但很快就又失去了兴趣。We can get a sitter for Roger.我们可以找个保姆来照看罗杰Now, now Roger, I'm sure you didn't mean it but that remark was in very poor taste.算了,罗杰,我肯定你不是那个意思,但那话太难听了。Roger makes a fortune buying and selling real estate.罗杰买卖房地产挣了很多钱。Roger glared angrily at her across the dinner table.罗杰隔着餐桌朝她怒目而视。Roger has an office in the admin building.罗杰在行政楼有一间办公室。Roger pinched my arm.罗杰拧了一下我的手臂。Roger Hardy of the BBC looks at this latest twist in the political crisis in Algeria…英国广播公司的罗杰·哈迪就阿尔及利亚政治危机的这一最新转机作出解析。Roger zipped up the battered black case he carried his guitar in.罗杰拉上破旧的黑色吉他匣套的拉链。Roger was a bit uneasy about the plan, but he agreed.罗杰有点担心那个计划,但他还是同意了。Roger's work involves a lot of travelling.罗杰的工作需要经常出差。Roger peered into the dark corridor to see what was making the noise.罗杰张望着黑漆漆的走廊,想知道声音是哪里来的。I've brought Roger over to meet you.我带了罗杰过来见见你。My troubles began the night I met Roger.我的麻烦从我遇到罗杰的那个晚上便开始了。The new boss has warned Roger to shape up.新老板已经警告罗杰要好好干。Roger glanced heavenward and shook his head.罗杰往天上看了看,然后摇了摇头。Roger copied the train times down on the back of an envelope.罗杰在信封的背面抄下了列车时刻表。Roger was full of enthusiasm for Tony's plan.罗杰对托尼的计划充满热情。Roger socked away more than $1 million a year.罗杰一年存一百多万美元。Roger nodded gravely.罗杰严肃地点了点头。Cassandra withdrew her hand from Roger's.卡桑德拉将手从罗杰手里抽了回来。By all accounts, Rodger would appear to be a fine fellow.据大家说,罗杰似乎是个不错的家伙。Roger made some brilliant catches at today's game.罗杰在今天比赛中接了几个漂亮球。Jane played a spade, and Roger followed suit.简出了一张黑桃,罗杰跟牌。Roger favours a spirit of avant-garde boldness.罗杰偏爱前卫创新精神。I thought her remarks about Roger's recent problems were rather de trop.我认为她对罗杰近来问题的评论说得有些过头了。Roger sneaked in when no one was looking and stole a pie.罗杰乘人不注意溜进去偷了一块馅饼。Roger was hyperactive and inattentive as a child.罗杰小时候极度活跃,对什么事都不能专心。Come and meet Roger.过来认识一下罗杰Don't take offence. Roger says things like that to everybody.不要见怪,罗杰跟谁说话都是那样的。To judge by appearances, Roger was rather embarrassed.从表面上看,罗杰相当尴尬。Roger and Ann have gone up in the world - these days they only ever travel first-class.罗杰和安发迹了——现在他们旅行只坐头等舱。Roger can't make up his mind whether to go to college or get a full-time job. You can't eat your cake and have it too.去上大学还是找个全职工作,罗杰还拿不定主意,两者不可兼得呀。Defense attorneys tried to poke holes in Rodger's story.辩护律师试图找出罗杰陈述中的漏洞。I always suspected she owed her first job to her friendship with Roger.我一直怀疑她仗着自己是罗杰的朋友才得到第一份工作。




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