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词汇 go for a walk
例句 She decided to go for a walk in the forest preserve.她决定去森林保护区散散步。I was rather hoping it would rain today and I wouldn't have to go for a walk, but no such luck.我特别希望今天能下雨,那样我就不用出去散步了,不过没有这样的好事。We'll go for a walk before lunch.我们要在午餐前去散步。It is her custom to go for a walk on Saturday mornings.她惯常在星期六早上出去散步。We'll go for a walk if there's a break in the rain.雨停了我们就去散散步。Let's go for a walk and blow the cobwebs away.咱们去散散步,清醒一下头脑。I'm tired of watching television; let's go for a walk.我看电视都看腻了,我们出去走走吧。When the rain lets up we'll go for a walk.等雨一停我们就出去散步。Let's go for a walk before it gets too hot.趁天气还不热,我们去散散步吧。Let's go for a walk after breakfast.我们吃过早饭去散步吧。Eat up, and we'll go for a walk.把东西吃完,然后我们去散步。Let's go for a walk in the park.我们去公园散步吧。It's a nice day to go for a walk.天气不错,可以散散步。It's a lovely evening. Let's go for a walk.今晚天气很好,我们散步去吧。I decided to go for a walk to clear my head.我决定去走走,清醒一下头脑。Anna asked Philip if he would like to go for a walk with them.安娜问菲利浦是否愿意与她们一起出去散步。I think I'll go for a walk.我想我要去散个步。The warm weather seduced me away from my studies to go for a walk.温暖的天气诱使我放下书本去散步。I thought maybe we could go for a walk in the park.我想也许我们可以去公园走走。He took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk.他趁著天气好,出去散散步。




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