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词汇 罗伯特
例句 Robert was polishing up some old silver candlesticks.罗伯特在擦拭一些旧的银质烛台。Robert had an accident in the lab. He was opening a bottle of acid and he spilt some on his hands.罗伯特在实验室里出了事故,他在打开一瓶酸的时候,洒了一些在手上。It's a good thing that Robert retired.幸亏罗伯特退休了。Robert's cock-a-hoop about his new job.罗伯特对他的新工作颇为得意。The passage cited above is from a Robert Frost poem.以上引用的文字出自罗伯特·弗罗斯特的一首诗。Robert and his daughter have co-authored a diet book specifically written for young women.罗伯特跟他女儿一起写了一本有关健康饮食的书,阅读对象是年轻女性。During those intervening years Bridget had married her husband Robert.在那中间的几年里,布里奇特嫁给了她的丈夫罗伯特Chairman Robert Eaton said he has the backing of the vast majority of the company's major shareholders.董事会主席罗伯特·伊顿说,他得到了公司绝大多数大股东的支持。The family has criticized the military's handling of Robert's death.这家人批评军方对罗伯特的死处理不当。I have no animus towards Robert. 我对罗伯特并没有敌意。His poetry evokes/invites comparison with the work of Robert Frost.他的诗让人联想到罗伯特·弗罗斯特的作品。Edinburgh has a statue of Scottish bard Robert Burns.爱丁堡有一座苏格兰诗人罗伯特·彭斯的塑像。The press has continued to hassle Roberts since the incident.自从那起事件以后,记者们就不断地烦扰罗伯特He would be very foolish to risk a confrontation with Robert.他要是冒着与罗伯特对抗的危险,那可就太傻了。I don't want to marry Robert.我不想和罗伯特结婚。Robert has a friendly relationship with his customers.罗伯特和他的客户之间关系处得很好。Robert, would you be so kind as to shut the door for me?罗伯特,能请你帮我关一下门吗?At that time, Robert Kennedy was head of the Justice Department.当时,罗伯特·肯尼迪是司法部长。Robert aimed to be independent of his parents by the time he was twenty.罗伯特的目标是在二十岁时脱离父母自立。Our special guest on the programme tonight is Robert de Niro.今晚我们节目请到的特邀嘉宾是罗伯特.德尼罗。I still have bitter feelings for Robert. What can I say? He completely betrayed my trust.我至今还对罗伯特耿耿于怀。我还有什么话好说呢?他完完全全辜负了我对他的信任。Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army.罗伯特很想谈谈部队生活。Climbers are brave people, and Robert is no exception.登山者都是勇敢的人,罗伯特也不例外。John Roberts has been suggested for the post of manager.约翰·罗伯特被推荐担任经理的职位。Robert hates going to parties.罗伯特讨厌参加聚会。It's unfair to blame Robert.责备罗伯特是不公平的。Leafing through a magazine, I chanced upon a photo of an old high school friend, Robert Mason.我在随手翻阅一本杂志时,无意中看到一幅高中时的老朋友罗伯特·梅森的照片。If you are seriously strapped for cash, I'm sure Robert could give you a job.如果你很缺钱,我想罗伯特一定会给你一份工作。She felt genuinely sad about Robert's cousin Pete.她真心为罗伯特的堂兄皮特难过。Reading between the lines, I'd say Robert's not very happy.听言外之意,我看罗伯特不是很快乐。Roberto Baggio was set to become one of the greatest players of all time.罗伯特·巴乔注定会成为迄今为止最伟大的球员之一。By happy coincidence, Robert met Richard and Julia and discovered they were experiencing similar problems.幸运的是,罗伯特碰巧遇到了理查德和朱莉娅,发现原来他们也碰到了类似的问题。They congratulated Robert on his big enrolments every semester.他们祝贺罗伯特每个学期都有很多学生选读他的课。Staff ace Robert Robson helped the team to its first win this season.王牌球员罗伯特・罗布森帮助球队赢得了本赛季的第一场胜利。Susan and Robert kissed each other passionately.苏珊和罗伯特深情地亲吻。Robert could not conceal his relief.罗伯特无法掩饰自己如释重负的心情。Robert was hacking at the base of the tree with an axe.罗伯特在用斧子砍那棵树的基部。Don't bring Robert to the picnic. He's such a wet blanket.不要带罗伯特去参加野餐,他实在是个很扫兴的人。The family has criticized the military's handling of Robert's death.罗伯特的家人批评军方对罗伯特死亡的事情处理失当。Rob is a nickname for Robert.罗布是罗伯特的暱称。




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