例句 |
Foreigners found without residency cards can be fined or imprisoned.没有绿卡的外国人一经发现就会被罚款或监禁。They held a lottery to determine who could get a green card.他们通过抽签决定谁能得到绿卡。Once she has her green card, she can seek work.一旦有了绿卡,她就可以找工作了。In a rip-off of the hit movie Green Card, Billy marries one of his students so he can stay in the country.在照搬自热门电影《绿卡》的情节中,比利为了留在这个国家和他的学生结了婚。Nicollette married Harry so she could get a green card.尼科莉特同哈里结婚以便拿到绿卡。He is taking steps to obtain his green card.他正在想办法获取绿卡。 |