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例句 Negotiations about his transfer are continuing off the pitch.关于他转会的谈判仍在球场外继续进行For the foreseeable future, we need to continue our research.对可预见的将来而言,我们需要继续进行研究。The government was determined to proceed with the election.政府决心继续进行选举。The celebrations carried on as if nothing had happened.庆祝仪式继续进行,好像什么事情也没发生似的。The two leaders are scheduled to meet again next month to continue the peace talks.双方领导人按计划将于下个月再次会晤,继续进行和谈。The festival went ahead, despite renewed protests.尽管抗议再度爆发,节庆活动还是继续进行He continued his operations in cotton futures.继续进行棉花期货交易。The salvage operation went on.抢救行动继续进行The money allows us to carry on our research.这笔钱使我们能够继续进行研究。Next day the search for the girls continued.第二天,对那些女孩子的搜寻继续进行The debate progressed, becoming more animated.辩论继续进行,场面变得更活跃了。The doctors recommend that he continue his exercise regimen.医生们建议他继续进行有规律的锻炼。They proceeded, mindless of the dangers.他们不顾危险继续进行Searches by the army and paramilitary forces have continued today.今天陆军和准军事部队继续进行搜索。The tournament will restart tomorrow.明天锦标赛将会继续进行The trial continues to move along.实验在继续进行之中。For need of fund the relief work could not go on.由于缺乏资金,救济工作无法继续进行The game will continue only when both teams agree to observe the rules.只有双方都同意遵守规则,比赛才能继续进行The President and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform.总统及其支持者几乎肯定地认为这次投票是对继续进行经济改革的授权。The next day the performance continued.第二天演出继续进行The meeting will continue after lunch.午饭后会议将继续进行The space programme will continue under the aegis of the armed forces.这项太空计划将以武装部队作后盾继续进行Pending the hearing of the case by the court, the business will be allowed to continue operating.在此案审结之前,公司获准继续进行交易。Gill decided to stay on at university to do further research.吉尔决定留在大学继续进行研究工作。Construction of the bridge is moving along.桥梁的施工在继续进行With no more questions, he proceeded onward.他看到没有更多的问题就继续进行了。The government must continue this drive to find new, cleaner forms of energy.政府必须继续进行这场寻找更清洁的新能源的运动。The best way to proceed is by a process of elimination.继续进行下去的最佳方式是实行淘汰制。It is my earnest wish that you use this money to further your research.我真诚希望你用这笔钱继续进行你的研究。The perpetuation of nuclear deployments is morally unacceptable.继续进行核部署在道义上令人无法接受。The ref should have played advantage because Rooney would have been through on goal.裁判当时应该根据对被犯规方有利的原则允许比赛继续进行,因为鲁尼本来有可能进球的。They are continuing their legal battle to seek some redress from the government.他们正在继续进行法律斗争以向政府寻求一些赔偿。The research institute needs funds in order to carry on its valuable work.研究所需要资金以便继续进行有价值的工作。In spite of adverse public opinion, the plan to privatize the railways continued.尽管公众舆论持反对态度,铁路私有化的计划仍继续进行The unrelenting air attack on the country continued.对该国的连续空袭继续进行The peace talks resumed despite continuing uncertainty about the political situation.尽管政局仍变化不定,和谈还是继续进行They continued their campaign, safe in the knowledge that the police were powerless to stop them.了解到警方无权阻止,他们就放心地继续进行宣传活动。After the interruption, she proceeded with her presentation.被打断之后,她又继续进行她的陈述。The referee whistles and play is resumed.裁判吹哨示意,比赛继续进行Accusations and reproaches from both parties made it difficult to pursue discussions.双方相互指责使得讨论难以继续进行




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