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词汇 继续坚持
例句 We've had some success but we have to keep pushing on.我们已经取得了一些成功,但还得继续坚持下去。The government has soldiered on as if nothing were wrong.政府继续坚持着,好像什么乱子都没发生过似的。He continued to cleave to the beliefs of his childhood.继续坚持着孩提时代的信念。My confidence is still there and I'll just keep plugging away.我仍有信心,会继续坚持不懈。We must continue the struggle for justice and against injustice.我们必须继续坚持正义,反对非正义。The president has continued to stand his ground despite criticism.尽管遭到批评,总统仍继续坚持自己的立场。He doesn't like the job but he'll soldier on until the work is done.他虽不喜欢这差事,但他会继续坚持下去,直到做完为止。He said that he was going to stick with the traditions established by his grandfather.他说他会继续坚持他爷爷立下的传统。Mr Scott ignored the comment and pressed on.斯科特先生不顾人们的意见,继续坚持下去。The party will continue to press the case for a new electoral system.该党将继续坚持要求建立新的选举制度。She pushed her doubts aside and carried on.她抛开那些疑团,继续坚持下去。Unions claim that the management continues to maintain an intransigent position.工会称资方继续坚持拒不让步的立场。It's important to keep up our standards.继续坚持我们的标准非常重要。Charles was asked to soldier on as Sayle's assistant.查尔斯被要求继续坚持下去,做塞尔的助手。




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