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例句 Huge majorities apparently prefer reducing unemployment to fighting inflation.绝大多数人似乎希望降低失业率多于抑制通货膨胀。Most governments are able to keep their economies on an even keel.绝大多数政府都能够保持国家经济稳定。Cereals form the staple diet of an enormous number of people around the world.谷物是世界各地绝大多数人的主食。The overwhelming majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months.绝大多数小企业在头两年内就破产了。The vast majority of students here are self-supporting.这里的绝大多数学生都是自己负担学费。The bill was approved by a big margin.议案经绝大多数同意获得通过。In the vast majority of cases the disease is fatal.这种疾病绝大多数病例都是致命的。The vast majority of the eggs would be cracked.绝大多数鸡蛋都会破裂。The President's position was endorsed by a large majority of the Senate.总统的立场得到了参议院绝大多数人的支持。The preponderant world forces are upon our side.世界上绝大多数的力量支持我们。Most American twenty-somethings do not read about politics.绝大多数二十多岁的美国人不读政治方面的东西。The coalition won a majority of the vote but failed to win enough of the key marginals.该政党联盟赢得了绝大多数选票,但却未赢得足够多的关键边缘席位。It soon became clear that authors were decidedly in the majority.作家占绝大多数,这一点很快就变得明了起来。The great majority disagree.绝大多数人不同意。Like most armchair sportsmen, Terry is sure he understands the game better than the referees.绝大多数空谈的体育爱好者一样,特里确信他要比裁判更了解赛事。This brings the law into line with most medical opinion.这使得该法与绝大多数医学见解保持了一致。Sunny days predominate over rainy days in desert regions.在沙漠地带,绝大多数日子是艳阳天,下雨天极少。Most members of Parliament took a hard line on this issue.绝大多数议员在这个问题上都持强硬立场。The character Shylock is a Jew living in a predominantly Christian society.夏洛克这一角色是个在基督徒占绝大多数的社会中生活的犹太人。Most of the Egyptian tombs were desecrated and robbed.绝大多数的埃及古墓已遭人破坏和劫掠。The policy is supported by the vast majority of citizens.这项政策得到了绝大多数公民的支持。The rebels came overwhelmingly from the poorest strata of rural society.叛乱分子绝大多数来自农村的最贫困阶层。Most of us worked very hard, but she, I'm afraid to say , did no work at all.我们当中的绝大多数人工作都很努力,但我很遗憾地说,她什么都没干。A sliding tackle with the studs up is illegal in most leagues.绝大多数联赛中,滑铲时把鞋钉冲着对方球员的腿是不允许的。Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art.绝大多数设计师默认这样一种观点,即时装是一种有效的视觉艺术形式。Apart from a few union diehards most of the men have accepted the new productivity agreement.除了工会里的几个强硬分子以外,绝大多数人都接受了新的生产效率协议。I could answer most of the questions but the last one really threw me.绝大多数问题我都能回答,但最后一个问题实在是难倒我了。Students account for the vast majority of our customers.我们的顾客绝大多数是学生。Most urban areas are close to a park.绝大多数城区附近都有公园。The President's veto threw a wrench into a program that had already been approved by a big majority of the Congress.国会绝大多数人都已赞同的一个计划,被总统的否决给搞砸了。We catch the majority of people, but hunting down every last tax evader is impossible.我们掌握绝大多数人的情况,但要把所有的逃税者都一一查出来是不可能的。In industrial areas, the dark-coloured variety of the moth now predominates.在工业区,深色型蛾子现在占绝大多数The bill was approved by a large majority.这项法案得到了绝大多数人的支持。Most debtors pay up quickly enough when the collection agency applies pressure.绝大多数债务人在讨债机构施加压力的情况下都能及时还清债务。Most snakes swallow their prey whole.绝大多数蛇会把猎物整个儿吞下。Chairman Robert Eaton said he has the backing of the vast majority of the company's major shareholders.董事会主席罗伯特·伊顿说,他得到了公司绝大多数大股东的支持。Parliament has voted decisively in favour of the government's proposal.议会表决中绝大多数人支持政府的这一提议。The great preponderance of opinion supported the view.绝大多数意见支持这种观点。The vast majority of nations have agreed to unite their efforts to bring peace.绝大多数国家都同意团结起来为实现和平而努力。An overwhelming majority of people are opposed to this plan.绝大多数人反对这个计划。




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