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词汇 抑制
例句 She summoned up all her pity for him, to smother her self-pity.抑制着心中的自怜,将满腔的怜悯之情都倾注在了他的身上。Continued deposition of silt along the coast is crucial in counteracting the rise in sea level.海岸边泥沙的不断沉积对于抑制海平面的上升起着至关重要的作用。The fight against inflation took priority over measures to combat the deepening recession.抵制通货膨胀比抑制日益加剧的经济衰退更为重要。Rising interest rates may choke off consumer spending.上涨的利率可能抑制消费性开支。None of the moves to halt inflation has been successful.抑制通货膨胀的措施无一奏效。The economy overheated and the Government used interest rates to dampen it down.经济发展过热,政府通过利率加以抑制That would put a damper on the future growth of U.S. steel exports.那将会抑制美国钢铁出口未来的增长。International sanctions have throttled the country's economy.国际制裁抑制了该国经济的发展。He has to learn to curb his natural exuberance.他得学会抑制他天生旺盛的精力。Some hormones inhibit the growth of cancer cells.有些荷尔蒙会抑制癌细胞的生长。A suppressed immune system puts a transplant recipient at risk of other infections.接受器官移植的病人免疫系统受到抑制后很可能会感染其他疾病。The government had done everything it could to push down inflation.政府已经采取了所有可能的措施来抑制通货膨胀。Sore nipples can inhibit the milk supply.乳头发炎会抑制出奶。Shortages of basic materials stifled economic growth.基本原料的匮乏抑制了经济发展。The flowers were choked out by the weeds.杂草抑制了花儿的生长。His competence as an economist had been reinforced by his successful fight against inflation.他成功抑制了通货膨胀,锻炼了经济治理能力。Denying or repressing sorrow often seems the easiest way out when confronted with death.拒绝承认或抑制悲痛往往似是面对死亡最容易的办法。Economic growth has been inhibited by the lack of investment.经济增长由于缺乏投资而受到抑制It is vital that inflation is kept in check.抑制通货膨胀至关重要。All day she had fought off the impulse to telephone Harry.一整天,她都在抑制自己的冲动,没有打电话给哈里。The drug possesses the potential to suppress tumors.这种药物也许能抑制肿瘤。Several factors combined to slow consumer spending last month.上个月几种因素合在一起抑制了消费者的花销。The government is drawing a bead on inflation. 政府正着眼于抑制通货膨胀。Fill the bed with annual flowers to keep the weeds down.在苗圃中种满一年生花卉,以抑制杂草生长。That could depress turnout in a few states.这可能会抑制在少数几个州的投票数。Some fear the restrictions would strangle the country's economy.有些人担心这些限制会抑制这个国家的经济发展。Measures have been taken to curb inflation.已采取措施抑制通货膨胀。The therapy provides inhibition of inflammation.这种治疗抑制了发炎。Sore nipples can inhibit the milk supply.乳头疼痛会抑制出奶。Green tea inhibits the production of this enzyme.绿茶抑制这种酶的产生。The government needs to do something to tame inflation.政府需要采取措施以抑制通货膨胀。It is a well known fact that a negative working environment discourages creativity.不良的工作环境抑制人的创造力,这是人所共知的事实。She struggled to subdue her fears.她努力抑制自己的恐惧。This served as a powerful depressant on share prices.这是抑制股价的强有力措施。Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the immune system.患眼疾可能表明生活方式不健康,而且免疫系统同时受到抑制The fight against inflation took priority over education reform.抑制通货膨胀比教育改革更为重要。You should resist any inclination to meddle.你应该抑制任何管闲事的意向。The government has lowered interest rates in an attempt to put a check on inflation.政府降低了利率,试图以此抑制通货膨胀。The government is now deflating the economy.政府正在采取措施抑制经济过热。This medicine may depress your appetite. 这种药可能抑制你的食欲。




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