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词汇 绝不是
例句 It's difficult, but by no means impossible.是困难的,但也绝不是不可能的。Her husband was not a womanizer by any stretch of the imagination.她丈夫绝不是一个玩弄女性的人。This process is, in no sense, a divorce between the Labour Party and the trade union movement.这个进程绝不是工党和工会运动相脱离。He was a good businessman, but never a team player.他是一个优秀的商人,但绝不是一个好的合作伙伴。After the fourth attack on her car she was convinced that the vandalism was more than just coincidence.她的汽车第四次遭袭后,她确信这些破坏绝不是偶然。She was certainly not the type to murder her husband.绝不是那种会谋害亲夫的人。The television coverage was by no means neutral.电视新闻报道绝不是没有立场倾向的。One of the big put-downs of the presidential election campaign was the comment that he was "no Jack Kennedy".美国总统竞选活动中最厉害的奚落语之一就是他“绝不是杰克•肯尼迪”。Far from being separate, the mind and body form an indivisible whole.心智与身体绝不是分离的,它们形成了一个不可分割的整体。Carrying the burdens of leadership is never an easy task.挑起领导担子绝不是件容易的事。He's not half the fool you think he is. = He's not half so foolish as you think he is. 绝不是你想象的那么傻。Finding a solution to the present crisis in the region is no easy task.要为该地区目前的危机找到解决方法绝不是件容易的事。She was by no means a spendthrift, but somehow all the money disappeared anyway.绝不是个花钱没有节制的人,可是钱都不知道到哪里去了。It's no fun having the world's press constantly beating a path to your door.全世界的记者们不断地蜂拥上门采访你绝不是件有趣的事。The roads are often dangerous, and getting food to the villages has not been an easy task.那些道路大多很艰险,要把食物弄到村里去绝不是件容易的事。She had never been someone who drank regularly.绝不是个经常喝酒的人。The list is by no means exhaustive.这份名单绝不是说毫无遗漏。Divorce is never easy for children.父母离婚对孩子来说绝不是件轻松的事。Overturning a legal precedent is no easy matter.推翻一项法律先例绝不是一件容易的事情。We are in no sense obliged to agree to this.我们绝不是非得同意这件事。Braking in the wet in heavy traffic is never fun.在交通拥堵的雨天里踩刹车绝不是什么好玩的事。The problem is by no means peculiar to America.这个问题绝不是美国所特有的。He's not a bad kid, but he's no angel.他不是个坏孩子,但也绝不是个乖孩子。That crash was no accident. They had the whole thing planned out to get insurance money.那次撞车事故绝不是意外。他们精心策划了整件事以骗取保险金。This is hardly the place to discuss the matter.这里绝不是讨论这件事的地方。She was determined to show the world that she was no loser.她决心向世人表明她绝不是失败者。Politics is by no means the only arena in which women are excelling.政坛绝不是女性大显身手的唯一舞台。Being a firefighter is no walk in the park.成为一名消防员绝不是件容易事。He's not the most sophisticated businessman you'll ever meet, but he's no greenhorn.他不是你将碰到的商人中最老练的,但他也绝不是新手。He seemed to think that I was trying to cause problems, but that was never my intention.他似乎认为我在制造麻烦,但那绝不是我的本意。This process is, in no sense, a divorce between the Labour Party and the trade-union movement.这个过程绝不是工党和工会运动相脱离。He could be accused of passion, but never belligerence.你可以指责他过于激动,但他绝不是好斗的人。The teacher wasn't exactly Miss Congeniality. 这位老师绝不是什么好好小姐。This is hardly the place to talk about your sexual problems.这里绝不是讨论你的性问题的地方。He was by no manner of means a cruel man.绝不是一个残忍的人。Paper qualifications are no guide to ability.纸上资历绝不是衡量能力的准绳。He may be famous, but he's no gentleman.他或许很有名,但绝不是君子。You are not in any way to blame for what happened.发生的事情绝不是你的错。This book is in no sense intended for beginners. = In no sense is this book intended for beginners. 这本书绝不是为初学者准备的。While the modelling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model, male or female, will always be in demand.尽管模特行业绝不是那么容易进入的,但是好的模特,不论男女,总是需要的。




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