例句 |
The two cats walked in circles around each other, sizing each other up.两只猫围着彼此绕圈,并且互相打量着。The wax should be applied using a circular motion.应该以绕圈的方式打蜡。We've been trying to decide how to improve the system, but we just keep going around in circles. 我们一直在设法确定如何改进这个系统,但只是原地绕圈,毫无进展。All the ships were turning in circles,leaving half-moon wakes behind them.所有的船都在绕圈行驶,船后留下了一道道半月形尾波。They rowed along a loop in the river.他们在河里绕圈划行。She twirled around the room on her toes.她踮起脚尖在房间里绕圈儿跳舞。 |