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He stammers when he's nervous.他一紧张就结巴。The little child stammers in the presence of strangers.那小孩在陌生人面前说话就结巴。He's got a nervous stammer.他一紧张就要结巴。He develops a stammer when he's nervous.他一紧张就结巴。He went white and began to stammer.他脸色发白,说话开始结巴。Jeff spoke with a slight stammer.杰夫说话有点结巴。Some small impediment slowed his conversation.轻微的结巴减慢了他交谈的语速。The young girl, once so lively, became introverted and developed a nervous stammer.这个小姑娘曾经是多么的活泼,现在却变得很内向,有了说话就紧张结巴的毛病。He turned white and began to stammer.他脸色发白,说话开始结巴。He spoke with a pronounced stutter.他说话明显结巴。Our father's face had reddened with rage and he began to sputter.我们的父亲气得涨红了脸,说话也开始结巴起来。I was a stutterer as a child.我小时候是个结巴。She stutters when she gets excited.她一激动说话就结巴。Whenever he was angry he would begin to stammer slightly.他一生气说话就开始有点结巴。His delivery was stilted and occasionally stumbling.他的发言很生硬,有时还打结巴。Nina, blushing with embarrassment, began to stammer.尼娜尴尬得满脸通红,开始结巴起来。 |