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词汇 costs
例句 Housing and office costs are very high in Tokyo.在东京居住和办公的日常开支都很大。We're afraid that costs may overshoot projections.我们担心支出可能会超出计划。Production costs began to spiral.生产成本开始急遽上升。Considerable ingenuity is required to minimize costs.实现成本最小化需要有相当的聪明才智。He said the job cuts were necessary to cover mounting costs.他说有必要通过裁员来覆盖攀升的成本。The administration coyly refused to put a firm figure on the war's costs.政府含糊其词,拒绝给出战争开销的确切数字。The costs have continued to increase, and now seem to be getting out of hand.成本继续增加,现在似乎开始失控。Most US companies are still spewing out carbon dioxide without thinking about its potential costs.大多数的美国公司都仍在大量排放二氧化碳,没有考虑到其潜在的代价。The bank shall be entitled to debit the amount of such liability and all costs incurred in connection with it to your account.银行将有权把此类债务的数额以及随之产生的所有相关费用计入你的账户借方。In today's competitive business environment, companies focus on minimizing costs.在当今竞争激烈的商业环境下,企业都着眼于最大幅度降低成本。They aim to reduce unit costs through extra sales.他们希望以更多的销量来降低单位成本。When costs soared, the studio took fright and recalled the company from Rome.开支猛涨,电影制作公司惊恐之余从罗马召回了那批人员。Entry to the museum costs £3, but there is no charge on Wednesdays and Sundays.博物馆入场券为三英镑,但周三和周日是免费的。My ticket costs half again as much as your ticket. 我的票比你的贵一半。We wrestled with the issue/problem of how to cut costs without laying off workers.我们正在解决如何在不裁员的情况下削减成本的难题。Rising costs were eating up most of the profits.费用上涨吞噬了大部分利润。The mines could keep going only if costs were pared to the bone.只有将开支缩减到最低限度,这些矿才能维持下去。 The company is trying to hold down costs/expenses/prices.公司试图保持低成本/开支/价格。Labor costs have actually fallen.人工成本实际上降低了。Crushing fuel costs are offsetting other savings.压得人喘不过气来的燃油费用抵消了其他方面的节余。Two-thirds of their budget goes on labour costs.他们预算中的三分之二用于人力成本。Higher energy costs have an adverse effect on the economy.能源成本的上升对经济有不利影响。Civilian casualties must be avoided at all costs.必须不惜一切代价避免平民伤亡。The federal government tried to control rising health-care costs.联邦政府试图控制日益高涨的医疗保健费用。Obscene language should be avoided at all costs. 无论如何都应避免使用下流语言。They are looking to cut costs while simultaneously maintaining the existing levels of service.他们考虑要在保持现有服务水平的同时降低成本。The company will shoulder the costs of the repairs.公司将承担维修费用。They planned to reduce staff and thus to cut costs.他们计划裁员,从而达到降低成本的目的。Do the benefits outweigh the costs?收益是否大于损耗?Due to high costs, the program was never fully implemented.由于成本高,这个计划从未得以全面实施。This house costs more/less than most of the other houses in the area.这幢房子的价格高于/低于这一地区大多数房子的房价。In addition to tuition costs, he could deduct expenses for research and typing.除了学费,他还可以减去科研和打字费。The recession could be avoided if business keeps a firm grip on its costs.企业如果严格控制成本就可以避免不景气。By keeping costs down, the company will make larger profits from its products.通过降低成本,公司将从产品中赚取更大的利润。If Emma likes something she'll buy it however much it costs.如果埃玛喜欢某个东西,那无论多贵她都会买的。Monthly interest costs vary.每个月的利息费用都不一样。You will face extra costs for roaming.手机漫游会额外收费。Increased maintenance costs are hitting building owners in the pocketbooks.越来越高的维护费让业主们蒙受着经济损失。He calculated the costs very carefully.他仔细计算开支。The banks are now desperately scrabbling to recover their costs.如今各家银行拼命地想收回成本。




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