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词汇 纽约
例句 In the old days, when business was booming, he used to fly to New York twice a week.以前当生意兴隆时,他一周要乘飞机去纽约两次。She works for an advertising agency in New York.她在纽约的一家广告公司工作。Ticket prices to New York vary, depending on the time of year.一年中,时间不同,去纽约的票价也不一样。It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to their apartment without any problem.这是我第一次去纽约,但我没费什么周折就找到了他们的公寓。You get a good view of the New York skyline from the Statue of Liberty.从自由女神像上可以清楚地看到纽约的空中轮廓线。He was planning to dump her and strike out for New York alone.他正打算甩了她,然后一个人前往纽约He followed Janice to New York, where she was preparing an exhibition.他追随贾尼丝到了纽约,她正在那里准备一个展览。A New York art teacher who refused to take part in the daily flag ceremony was dismissed from her post.纽约一名教艺术的老师因拒绝参加每天的升旗仪式而被免职。They drove across the country from California to New York.他们驾车从加利福尼亚到纽约,横穿了整个国家。One of the many advantages of living in New York is that you can eat out at almost any time of day.住在纽约的诸多好处之一是随便什么时候都可以外出吃饭。He went on to say that he was going to New York in quest of peace.他接着说自己准备到纽约去寻求安宁。He was sent to New York as part of the Dutch delegation to the United Nations.他作为出席联合国会议的荷兰代表团成员被派往纽约I can't remember how many times I've been to New York.我记不起去过纽约多少次了。She packed to cope with the vagaries of New York's weather.她收拾好东西以便应付纽约变幻无常的天气。I caught the first plane to New York.我坐上了去纽约的第一班飞机。Boston is getting a lot of rain. Ditto New York. 波士顿将迎来多雨天气,纽约也一样。These new designers are infusing fresh interest into the New York fashion scene.这些新的设计者把有创意的元素带入了纽约时装界。She went to New York and scammed her way into a job.她去了纽约,通过造假得到份工作。The Boston Red Sox will meet the New York Yankees in a three-game series this weekend.本周末波士顿红袜队将在三场系列赛中迎战纽约扬基队。This wooden translation reminds me of the typically constipated prose of the New York Review of Books.这篇僵硬的译文让我想起了《纽约书评》里典型的呆板散文。Mary has booked a flight from New York to London.玛丽已预订了从纽约到伦敦的飞机票。The company is moving from New York to Chicago.公司从纽约搬到芝加哥。What's the time difference between New York and Tokyo?纽约与东京的时差是多少?We'll be flying from New York to Munich.我们要从纽约飞到慕尼黑。In the sitcom she plays a New York executive who's totally oblivious to the feelings of others.在那部情景喜剧中,她扮演一个纽约的行政人员,对别人的感受完全不在意。Marty of New York describes herself as a straight female.纽约的马蒂称自己不是女同性恋者。They spend equal amounts of time in California and New York.他们在加利福尼亚和纽约呆同样长的时间。We crammed in as much sightseeing as possible on our trip to New York City.我们在纽约之行中尽可能多地参观旅游景点。He has a street named after him in New York.纽约有一条街道是以他的名字命名的。For years Mary lived alone in New York.玛丽孤身一人在纽约生活了好几年。We're going to New York to ring in the New Year.我们打算去纽约庆祝新年。She's going on a trip to New York, all expenses paid.她将要去纽约旅行——免费的。I left the gay saloons of New York for the green glades of the country.我离开了纽约欢乐的酒店,来到乡村绿色的林间空地。By the time we got to New York, it was snowing.我们到达纽约时,已经开始下雪了。Jacobson's one of the most influential people in New York.雅各布森是纽约最有影响力的人物之一。In baseball, the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees are archrivals.在棒球比赛中,波士顿红袜队和纽约扬基队互为劲敌。New York is a proving ground today for the Democratic presidential candidates.纽约如今是检验民主党总统候选人的理想之地。New York was the point of entry for most immigrants arriving in the US.纽约是大多数移民进入美国的门户。The company has its base in New York.这家公司的总部设在纽约New York does not have the nation's oldest subway system; that distinction belongs to Boston.纽约并没有该国最古老的地铁系统;这一荣誉属于波士顿。




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