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The seamstress made the dress conform to the pattern.女裁缝把这衣服做成和纸样一个样。Mary used a paper pattern to make her new dress.玛丽按照纸样缝制她的新衣服。Cut out all of the pieces from the paper pattern and pin them on the cloth.剪下服装纸样上的每一片,把它们别在布上。Most costume patterns are sized for children.大多数化装服的纸样是按儿童尺寸制作的。Stella stood at the kitchen table, cutting out the pattern for a new dress.斯特拉站在餐桌旁裁新裙子的纸样。Mother goes by a pattern when she makes a dress.母亲总是按照纸样缝制连衣裙。 |