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词汇 all sides
例句 It remains imperative that all sides should be involved in the talks.各方都应参与会谈,这一点依然很重要。The hens darted away on all sides, raising a cloud of dust.一群母鸡四处乱窜,搅起一团尘土。The Security Council aim to ensure compliance by all sides, once an agreement is signed.一旦签署协议,安理会的目标就是保证各方都要遵守。The army was attacked from all sides.军队遭到四面围攻。He has the ability to see all sides of a question.他能看到问题的方方面面。He urged all sides in the conflict to pursue peace.他敦促冲突各方寻求和平。She faces continual pressure from all sides.她一直承受着来自各方的压力。She seems almost impervious to the criticism from all sides.对于来自各方的指责,她似乎无动于衷。The enemy is approaching the city from all sides.敌军正从四面八方逼近这座城市。Any solution must be acceptable to all sides.任何解决办法都必须能为各方所接受。Radio One is under siege from all sides.广播一台受到了来自各方的严厉批评。The Red Cross said it is withdrawing its staff until they receive clear signals from all sides that their presence is welcomed.红十字会称他们正在撤回所属职员,直到各方都明确表示欢迎他们的存在。I was getting complaints from all sides.我接到了来自各方的投诉。That seems fair to all sides.那似乎对每一方都公平。I am learning a lot on all sides.我正从各方面学到很多东西。They feel the heat on all sides.他们感受到来自方方面面的压力。Clinton was praised on all sides for his warm manner and diplomatic approach.克林顿的热情和练达受到了各方的称赞。They were hemmed in on all sides by the soldiers and the dogs.他们被士兵和狗团团围住。Planes were attacking us from all sides.飞机从四面八方攻击我们。There has been loud condemnation of the policy from all sides.方方面面都强烈地谴责该政策。Mountains rose steeply on all sides.四周都是高山耸立。The country is surrounded on all sides by South Africa.这个国家四周为南非的国土所环绕。Suddenly the crowd came at him from all sides.人群突然从四面八方向他涌来。The hens darted away on all sides, raising a cloud of dust.母鸡四处乱窜,扑腾起一团灰尘。Although they were under heavy fire from all sides, they managed to get the wounded off the battlefield.虽然四面八方都有炮火猛烈的射击,他们还是设法把伤员运出了战场。The cars were coming from all sides.汽车正从四面八方驶来。On all sides, skyscrapers rose like jagged teeth.四周耸起的摩天大楼参差不齐。The lake is hemmed in on all sides by weeping willows.湖四周栽满垂柳。They called for a compromise on all sides to break the deadlock in the world trade talks.他们呼吁各方作出让步以打破世界贸易谈判中的僵局。The meeting ended with protestations of friendship from all sides.会议最后以各方发表友好声明而结束。Please look at all sides of the question before you decide.请你把这个问题的各个方面都考虑清楚再作决定。The proposed merger is drawing fire from all sides.合并提议招致各方的猛烈抨击。The university had become an Aunt Sally at which all sides could take pot shots.那所大学变成了萨利大婶,各方都可对它任意攻击。Our village is beset on all sides by dense forest.我们村四周被密林所环绕。Suddenly enemies compassed them on all sides.敌人突然从四面八方将他们包围。The town is hemmed in by mountains on all sides.这个镇子四周群山环绕。The plan is under assault from all sides.这项计划正在受到各方面的抨击。Cannon volleyed on all sides.大炮从四面八方齐发。The desert stretched for endless miles on all sides of us.沙漠向我们周围无限延伸。The government's economic policy has been denounced on all sides.政府的经济政策受到了各方面的谴责。




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