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词汇 infections
例句 In acute infections of the urinary tract the patient may suffer severe pain.患急性尿路感染的病人可能会出现剧烈疼痛。General causes of thrombocytopenia include poor nutrition, infections, radiotherapy, and some drugs.导致血小板减少症的原因一般有营养不良、感染、辐射治疗和一些药物。The discovery of penicillin was a major step forward in the treatment of infections.青霉素的发现在治疗感染方面是一个重大进展。Immunotherapy with interferons may be used in patients with infections that are very difficult to treat.使用干扰素的免疫治疗可以用在感染难以治愈的病人身上。Many common infections can be treated with antibiotics.许多普通的感染都可以用抗生素治愈。Coughs and sneezes spread infections much faster in a warm atmosphere.在温暖的环境中,咳嗽和喷嚏传播疾病的速度要快得多。Some infections can be quite persistent.有些传染病十分顽固。The virus can actually destroy those white blood cells, leaving the body wide open to attack from other infections.该病毒实际上会破坏那些白血球,使身体极易受到其他传染病感染。Trivial wounds and injuries, if not treated promptly, may lead to serious infections.小伤小痛如果没有马上处理可能会导致严重感染。She advises her patients not to douche because doing so can lead to infections.她建议病人不要进行灌洗,因为这样可能引发感染。Ear infections are common in pre-school children.耳部感染在学前儿童中很常见。Coughs and sneezes spread infections.咳嗽和打喷嚏会传播传染病。Antibiotics are useless against viral infections such as influenza.抗生素对流感等病毒感染无效。Older people are more susceptible to infections.年纪较大的人更易受感染。Penicillin can be taken in various forms and is effective against a wide range of infections.青霉素有多种使用方式,对许多种类的感染都有效。The virus attacks the immune system, leaving your body vulnerable to infections.这种病毒攻击人的免疫系统,使身体容易受到各种感染。Evidence suggests that many Ebola infections are asymptomatic. 证据显示许多埃博拉病毒的感染是无症状的。People with common variable immunodeficiency often suffer from infections.患有常见变异型免疫缺陷病的病人经常会受到感染。The virus leaves sufferers vulnerable to a range of infections.这种病毒使病人容易遭受各种感染。These warts can serve as an indicator of other infections.这些疣能表明出现了其他感染。These virus infections display obvious visual symptoms.这些病毒感染表现出明显的可见病征。The disease had left her weak and prone to all kinds of infections.生了这场病以后,她身体虚弱,容易受各种感染。Not all virus infections are necessarily harmful to vines.并非所有病毒感染都一定会对葡萄藤产生危害。Penicillin has a high success rate in treating bacterial infections.青霉素治疗细菌感染的成功率很高。Urinary tract infections may occur because of a cystocele.膀胱膨出可能导致泌尿道感染。Most eye infections are contagious.多数眼部感染都会传染。HPV causes anogenital warts, one of the most common sexually acquired infections.人乳头瘤病毒导致肛门生殖器疣,这是一种最常见的性传染疾病。Malnourished children are more likely to succumb to infections.营养不良的儿童更有可能死于感染。Heavy lung infections may result in pneumonia.严重的肺部感染可能会引起肺炎。Disorders of ciliary function can lead to frequent respiratory tract infections.纤毛功能失调会导致经常出现呼吸道感染。While immunosuppressive drugs can help prevent rejection of transplanted tissues or organs, they can also give rise to infections.免疫抑制药物可以帮助防止移植器官或组织被身体排斥,但是它们也会引起感染增加。His immune system failed, and he caught a never-ending series of viruses and infections.他的免疫系统出了问题,不断受到病毒和感染侵袭。One of the side effects of the drug is an increased susceptibility to infections.这种药物的一个副作用是增加感染几率。The creams have been used to reduce vaginal infections.已使用这种乳膏来减少阴道感染。The discovery of penicillin was a gigantic step in the treatment of infections.青霉素的发现在治疗感染方面跨出了巨大的一步。She's always getting chest infections.她的胸腔总是感染。A suppressed immune system puts a transplant recipient at risk of other infections.接受器官移植的病人免疫系统受到抑制后很可能会感染其他疾病。White blood cells seek out and destroy infections.白细胞的作用是找到并消除感染。Most throat infections are caused by viruses.大多数喉部感染都是由病毒引起的。Normally, white blood cells fight off and kill infections.正常情况下,白细胞能抵抗并消灭传染病菌。




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