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Nash saw Colin pace out the length of the field in which he had landed to ensure that he could fly safely out of it.纳什看见科林步测了他着陆场地的长度,以确保自己能够安全飞离。Nash has already been approached by several pro football teams.几支专业足球队已经与纳什接洽过。Nash hadn't raised his voice, and still spoke rather softly, confidentially.纳什没有提高嗓门,还是很轻声细语地说着。Nash never stopped pining for Alicia, and she never really let him go.纳什从没停止过对艾丽西娅思念,而她也从没真正地放弃纳什。Nash hadn't raised his voice, still spoke rather softly, confidentially.纳什没有提高嗓门,依然悄声说着,相当轻柔。Nash played in a celebrity golf tournament while in Canada.纳什在加拿大时参加了高尔夫球名人赛。 |