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词汇 大片
例句 The team police get to know the people in their patrol areas better than cops who must cover a larger beat.小分队的警察比那些负责大片区域的警察更了解自己管片的群众。Farms and large flat fields characterize most of the area.农场和大片平整的田地是这一地区大多数地方的特征。Central London is fortunate in having so many large parks and open spaces.伦敦市中心有幸拥有许多大型公园和大片空地。Wreckage was scattered over a wide area.残骸分散在大片区域上。Year after year, the sea is biting off chunks of the land.海水年复一年地冲掉大片陆地。The cattle are kept in a large enclosure surrounded by a circular fence.牛群被围在用篱笆圈成的大片围场里。Much of the ground is cross-sectioned by roads.大片地面被道路分割成一块一块的。There is no point reviewing a blockbuster as you might review a serious novel.为一部大片写影评时,没必要像为一部严肃小说写书评那样认真谨慎。These ants can demolish large areas of forest.这些蚂蚁会把大片森林毁掉。Most of the garden is given over to vegetables.园子的大片地方都用来专门种蔬菜。Elsewhere large areas have been drained and levelled for industry or intensive farming.在别处,大片区域被抽干了水或铲平了地,以作为工业或集约化农业用地。Vast areas of low-lying land have been flooded.大片的低洼地都被水淹了。Large areas of the forest are reported to be on fire.据报道,大片森林在燃烧。They are said to control large parts of the east and south of the country.据说他们控制了该国东部和南部的大片地区。The tree provided plenty of shade.这棵树提供了大片的树荫。Seafood always brings me out in huge spots.我一吃海鲜,身上就出现大片的疙瘩。The property is bounded on the north and east by a large residential neighbourhood.这块地产的北面和东面与大片居住区毗邻。An aerial view of the countryside shows wide swathes of green.空中鸟瞰乡村可见大片又长又宽的绿地。The disruption has now spread and is affecting a large part of central Liberia.混乱局面已经扩散,正在影响利比里亚中部的大片地区。The long curving driveway circled around the vast clipped lawn.长长的弧形车道围绕着大片修剪过的草坪。They felled great thickets of rhododendrons to make way for more novel exotics.他们砍倒了大片杜鹃花丛给新奇的外来植物腾地方。Large areas lie waste for lack of manpower.由于缺少人力,大片空地未得到开垦。 Much of the state's farmland has given way to shopping malls.这个州的大片农田都已被购物中心取代了。Hollywood tends to make splashy films with lots of star actors.好莱坞惯于拍一些耗资巨大、明星云集的大片Large areas of rainforest are being chopped down every day.每天都有大片热带雨林遭砍伐。Teams searched large areas on foot.一队一队的人徒步搜查了大片区域。There was an electricity black-out in a large area in the north of the country.该国北部大片地区断电。The vast territories have been racked.大片土地的地力已被耗竭。The vast forests of West Africa have shrunk.西非的大片森林面积已缩小了。The company owns a chunk of farmland near Gatwick Airport.该公司拥有盖特威克机场周边的大片农田。Helen Mirren stars in this week's biggie.海伦·米伦在本周的大片中担任主角。We are surrounded by lots of beautiful countryside.我们周围有大片美丽的乡村地区。She prefers art films to Hollywood blockbusters.比起好莱坞大片,她更喜欢艺术电影。She fired blindly into the mass of shadows.她对着大片阴影胡乱射击。The tidal wave inundated vast areas of cropland.海啸淹没了大片农田。The vast spill smeared the once beautiful coast.大片溢出的石油污染了一度美丽的海岸。The family owns a large estate in the north.这个家族在北部有大片庄园。Great clouds of black smoke were rising for several hundred feet or so.大片的黑色烟云升至大约几百英尺的空中。The state owns vast tracts of land.该国拥有大片土地。The plane scattered flaming fragments over a large area.飞机燃烧的碎片散落到大片区域里。




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