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词汇 紧跟
例句 Close behind him appeared an animal with horns and cloven hooves.紧跟在他身后出现了一个带角的分趾蹄动物。Archie liked to think he kept up with current slang.阿奇喜欢那种紧跟潮流,讲满口时髦新词的感觉。I am very impressed with Brian Hanlon, who seems a switched-on sort of guy.我对布赖恩·汉隆非常钦佩,他似乎是个紧跟音乐潮流的家伙。He once had a big lead in the campaign, but now the other candidates are nipping at his heels.他在竞选中曾一度遥遥领先,但现在其他候选人正紧跟其后。The exhibition is informative, up to date, and mercifully free of gimmicks.这个展览既能让人增长见识,又紧跟时代前沿,而且幸运的是没有华而不实的东西。The trends here closely mirror those in America.这儿的潮流紧跟美国。This means we need to keep pace with developments in new technologies.这意味着我们得紧跟新技术的发展步伐。He was so close behind me we practically rubbed noses.紧跟在我后面,简直是贴着我的背。Traders came in the wake of the explorers.商人紧跟著探险者而至。She reads the magazines to keep up to date on the latest fashions. 她阅读这些杂志以紧跟最新潮流。The police were hot on his heels.警察紧跟在他后面。See how she stays close to her master.看她如何紧跟在主人身旁。She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. Moreover, he was observing her strangely.她看见真有一个男的紧跟在她身后,而且在怪异地注视自己。Other trades have been quick to latch on.其他行业很快便紧跟而上。He dogged her every move.他对她步步紧跟He's been chasing after the world record all season.整个赛季他的成绩一直紧跟世界纪录。Her dog yelped and came to heel.她的狗汪地叫了一声,紧跟了上来。Murphy, Sinclair's young team-mate, was fractionally behind him.辛克莱的年轻队友墨菲紧跟在他后面。My dog heeled me all the way to the riverside.我那条狗一路紧跟著我跑到河边。That gray truck has been on our ass for the last mile.那辆灰色卡车一直紧跟在我们屁股后面有一英里了。He rushed out of the theatre with a pack of reporters at his heels.他冲出剧院,一群记者紧跟其后。That driver's been on my tail for miles.那人驾车紧跟在我后面有好几英里了。TV camera teams arrived hot on the heels of the police.几个电视摄像组紧跟在警方之后到了。Wherever they went they were closely followed by security men.不管上哪儿,保安人员都紧跟在他们身后。He likes to keep/stay abreast of the news.他喜欢紧跟新闻事件的发展。Three thousand armed satellites escorted his steps.三千名武装随从紧跟其后。A truck drove close behind me and flashed its headlights.一辆卡车紧跟在我身后,闪着大灯。Ray came out of the bedroom, Mary following close behind.雷从卧室里走出来,玛丽紧跟在他后面。I pushed my way through the crowd, Jules at my heels.我从人群中挤过去,朱尔斯紧跟在我后面。I try to stay au courant with the latest developments in the industry.我尽量紧跟这一行业的最新发展动态。My men walk close behind me, in my footsteps, almost stepping on my heels.我的人紧跟在我后面,沿着我的足迹走,几乎踩到了我的脚后跟。




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