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词汇 插进
例句 He turned the key in the lock.他旋动插进锁里的钥匙。She stuck her finger through the hole.她把手指插进洞里。Plunging both hands deep into the sack she rummaged among the parcels.她把双手深深地插进盛有包裹的麻袋里胡乱翻找着。He poked a hand into one of his pockets.他把一只手插进自己的一个口袋里。The knife entered his chest and pierced his heart.刀子插进了他的胸膛,刺穿了他的心脏。He put the straw in the can and began to suck noisily.他把吸管插进罐子里,开始哧溜哧溜地吸。The last tile slotted in neatly.最后一块瓦片整齐地插进缺口中。He nervously thrust his hands into his pockets.他不安地把双手插进口袋。He thrust his hands into his pockets.他把双手插进口袋。He thrust his spade into the ground.他把铁锹插进地里。She jabbed her knitting needles into a ball of wool.她把编织针插进一团毛线里。The text can be interspersed with full-page illustrations.文本中可以插进一些全页插图。Harris pushed some poles into the earth for the beans to climb up.哈里斯把一些棍子插进土里,让豆秧顺着爬。The boy nipped into the movie queue to get a ticket.小男孩插进买电影票的队伍买票。Insert the tab into this slot to close the box.要想关上盒子,可把凸舌插进孔内。She sank her fork into the pie.她把叉子插进馅饼里。Insert a small knife into the top of the chicken breast to loosen the skin.在鸡胸上方插进一把小刀,以使鸡皮不要绷得太紧。A soldier plunged a bayonet into his body.一名士兵将刺刀插进了他的身体。Put the key in the ignition.把钥匙插进点火开关。He stuck a toothpick in/into the sandwich.他把牙签插进三明治。They stuck in a pin to repair the fibula.他们插进一根钉子以修补腓骨。She stuck her knitting needles into a ball of wool.她把毛衣针插进一团毛线球里。He plunged the knife into the cake.他把刀插进蛋糕里。The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials.那档电视节目插进的商业广告太多了,不断被打断。He inserted the key in the lock.他把钥匙插进锁眼。We were way behind on the budget planning already when the new project came in.这新的项目插进来的时候,我们的预算计划已经远远落后了。She thrust her hands deep into her pockets.她把手深深地插进口袋里。He shoved his hands into his pockets.他把双手插进口袋里。He dug his hands deep into his pockets.他把双手深深插进口袋里。She entered the key in the door.她把钥匙插进门锁。She put the key in the ignition and turned it, but nothing happened.她把钥匙插进点火开关转了一下,但没有反应。The little girl stuck her fingers in the batter.小女孩把手指插进面糊里。The man thrust his hands into his pockets.那人把双手插进了口袋。He jammed his shovel into the sandy soil.他使劲把铲子插进沙土。The rider came off and the handlebar went into his neck.骑车人从自行车上摔了下来,车把插进了他的脖子里。Put the key in the ignition and turn it to start the car up.将钥匙插进点火装置,然后转动钥匙发动汽车。He plunged the knife deep into her heart.他把刀直插进她的心脏。She trimmed the stalks of the tulips before putting them in a vase.她修剪了一下郁金香的花梗,然后把它们插进了花瓶。I threw in a question, just to keep the pot boiling while my brain caught up.插进了一个问题,只是为了在我整理思路时保持大家的兴趣。It was hard to get a word in.很难插进一句话。




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