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词汇 精良
例句 You can enjoy an excellent range of leisure and sporting facilities.你可以享用各种精良的休闲体育设施。Individuals are expected to have technical finesse and show adaptability.要求个人具备精良的技术并表现出适应能力。The fine engine makes only a whisper when running at full speed.这台精良的发动机在全速运转时仅发出轻微的声音。Office staff need well-designed desks and chairs.办公室人员需要设计精良的桌椅。The workmanship of the woodwork was excellent.这件木制品做工精良The table is a fine piece of craftsmanship.这张桌子是件手艺精良的作品。It is a highly-trained army, with very sophisticated modern weaponry.这是一支受过良好训练的军队,拥有非常精良的现代武器。They are finely engineered boats.这些船只设计制造精良His genius lies in finessing wood into finely crafted furniture.他的天赋在于把木料打造成工艺精良的精美家具。This is a well-designed car that is also very economical to run.这是一辆设计精良的车,开起来费用也很省。Good printing will make every book more pleasurable to read.印刷精良将使每一本书阅读起来更为适意。The ship is modern and very well equipped.这艘船很现代,设备精良The department is very well equipped and provides a stimulating environment for postgraduate research.该系设备精良,并为研究生的研究提供启发思想的环境。




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