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A psychiatrist was called as an expert witness for the defence.一位精神病医生作为被告的专家证人被传作证。The film is about a psychiatrist who helps the police capture a depraved serial killer.影片讲述一位精神病专家协助警方捉拿一名丧尽天良的连环杀手。A spin-out company from Aberdeen University has developed a novel eye-movement test to help in the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders.一家从阿伯丁大学分拆出来的公司开发了一种新的眼动检测用以协助精神病诊断。In this type of mental illness, the usual pattern is bouts of depression alternating with elation.这种精神病通常的发病症状是时而萎靡不振,时而兴高采烈。He works in the psychiatric wing of the hospital.他在医院的精神病病房工作。The psychiatric team decided that committal would not be beneficial in her case.精神病专家小组判定,以她的情况将她送入精神病院没有益处。Could the psychiatrist put all their troubles right?那精神病医生能解除他们的一切病痛吗? King George III of England was purged, leeched, and flogged assiduously during his recurring bouts of insanity.英国国王乔治三世每次精神病发时,都要一遍遍催泻、用水蛭放血并且用棍棒抽打。The psychiatrist diagnosed the patient as neurotic.精神病医生诊断这个病人患有神经官能症。Humphrey is in a state psychiatric hospital after being convicted of beating his grandmother.汉弗莱殴打祖母的罪名被判成立以后,就进了一家州立精神病医院。Another has been diagnosed borderline psychotic.又一个人被诊断为疑似精神病。Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service it had not been caused by it.虽然他的精神病刚好在他参战期间发作,但并不是由此引起的。She has only told you about the latest episode in a long history of mental illness.她只对你讲了漫长的精神病史中最近的一段。He landed in a psychiatric ward.他落到被关进精神病房的地步。The patient suffers from some kind of psychosis.患者得了某种精神病。This is an interesting psychiatric case study of a child with extreme behavioural difficulties.这是一份很有意思的精神病个案研究,研究对象是一个有严重行为障碍的小孩。Mental illness can exist for years before families are forced to acknowledge the truth.很多家庭出现精神病,但可能在多年后才会被迫承认实情。Many of these homeless people have been mentally ill at some time.这些无家可归者中有许多人都患过精神病。The Mental Health Trust works to raise awareness of mental illness and help people suffering from mental problems.精神健康基金会致力于提高人们对精神病的关注,并为精神病患者提供帮助。She received psychiatric care as an outpatient.她作为门诊病人接受了精神病护理。I suppose he could have used a psychiatrist, but he didn't believe in anything like that.我想他本应该去找个精神病医生,但他不信那一套。Psychiatrists become too caught up in their theories to deal adequately with reality.精神病专家太纠结于理论,无法很好地处理现实问题。He may have some kind of neurosis or psychosis later in life.他晚年可能患有某种神经症或精神病。A large intake of cannabis seems able to trigger acute psychotic episodes.摄入大量大麻似可引发急性精神病发作。The judge rejected her insanity defence.法官驳回了她的精神病辩护。A strong link was found between parental mental illness and disturbance in their children.业已发现父母的精神病史和子女的精神障碍之间有密切的关系。He's been ordered to undergo/have/get a psychiatric evaluation.他被命令去接受精神病鉴定。The course leads to a diploma in psychiatric nursing.读完这门课程可以获得精神病护理文凭。The court has no power to order a psychiatric examination of the child's parents.法院无权要求对孩子的父母进行精神病检查。Mental illness and detachment from society are the ingredients of suicide.精神病和不合群是造成自杀的因素。There was no evidence of her having a psychiatric disorder, although it was clear that she had become withdrawn since the breakup of her relationship.关系破裂后她变得孤僻内向,这一点是显而易见的,但没有证据表明她患上了精神病。She is troubled by the fact that her son already shows signs of inheriting his father's mental problems.她因为儿子已经有迹象遗传了父亲的精神病而苦恼。Mentally ill patients will be under the care of a psychiatrist.精神病人将由精神病医生照看。Her divorce screwed her up so badly that she had to go to a shrink.离婚使她精神失常,以致不得不去找精神病医生。She fell into a drug-induced psychosis.她因吸毒而患上了精神病。He hanged himself two hours after arriving at a mental hospital.在到精神病医院两小时后他就上吊自杀了。He is seeing a shrink.他在看精神病医生。She acted so strangely that she had to be put away.她举止异常,只好把她送进精神病医院。Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.最近几年对精神病的态度已有所改变。Psychiatrists initially train as doctors.精神病医生首先是作为医生接受培训的。 |