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例句 I intend to continue to work to develop a vision of a Scotland that can banish poverty, whilst enhancing growth and prosperity.我准备继续朝着在苏格兰消除贫困这一愿景努力,同时还要促进发展与繁荣。He responded with a vague gesture in the direction of the beach.朝着海滩的方向含糊地打了个手势以示回答。He turned to me with a boyishly excited look in his eyes.他转过来朝着我,眼神里透出孩子般的兴奋。The land inclines gradually downwards toward the Simpson Desert.这块土地朝着辛普森沙漠方向逐渐向下倾斜。An iceberg was on a collision course with the ship.冰山正朝着可能撞上船的方向漂移。The patient is making strides toward a complete recovery.病人的身体正朝着完全康复的方向好转。We went on a long trip up the Amazon.我们朝着亚马孙河上游继续漫长的旅程。Things have definitely taken a turn for the worse.事情确实已朝着更坏的方向发展了。Neal drove the last mile down the bumpy road towards the highway.尼尔在粗糙不平的路上开车驶最后一英里的路程,朝着公路驶去。She delivered a blow to his stomach.朝着他的腹部重重一击。The missile was homing in on its target.导弹正在朝着目标飞去。The champion led with a left to the body, followed up quickly with a right to the jaw.那位冠军先朝着对方身体出左拳,紧接着右手迅速朝对方的下巴一击。He saw the tracers of the machine gun taking out after the enemy convoy.他看见机枪的曳光弹朝着敌人车队飞去。It is already possible to start moving toward the elimination of nuclear weapons.已有可能朝着消除核武器的目标努力。She waved her hand towards the window.朝着窗户挥手。Many media experts see such all-news channels as part of a general move towards niche marketing.很多传媒专家把这些纯新闻频道看作是朝着细分市场这一大势转变的组成部分。Drivers can wave a key-chain fob at the pump to buy gasoline.司机们朝着加油泵晃晃钥匙扣卡就可以加油。I felt the company was headed in a positive direction.我认为公司朝着积极的方向发展。The dog growled at the stranger.朝着那生人狂吠。John executed a narrow turn and stopped with his machine pointing back the way he had come.约翰来了一个惊险的急转弯,刹住车,使车头朝着来时的方向。Society's march toward ever-increasing materialism was continuing.社会继续朝着物质享乐主义蔓延的方向发展。The path curved down to the bay.小路朝着海湾的方向蜿蜒而下。One of the cows was plodding in his direction.其中一头牛正朝着他的方向缓缓走去。Richard lit another cigarette and puffed smoke towards the ceiling.理查德又点了一支烟,朝着天花板吐着烟雾。That was a near thing – that truck was heading straight for us.刚才好险啊,那辆卡车朝着我们直冲过来。The tank whammed shells into the hillside.坦克朝着山坡猛烈开火。We climbed the peak to reach the summit.我们爬上山,朝着顶峰进发。She was squinting against the glare of the sun.朝着耀眼的阳光眯起了眼睛。Seeing that we were driving in the wrong direction, we put about and retraced our path.我们发现车在朝着错误的方向行驶,便折回原路。Colouring is done in the same direction but with the strokes in reverse order.着色是朝着同一方向的,但线条则是反向勾勒的。I believe that things are heading in the right direction in South Africa.我认为南非正朝着正确的方向发展。Two inmates hurled slates at prison officers spraying them with a hose.两名囚犯朝着用水管向他们喷水的狱警们扔石板瓦。She smiled dotingly at the baby.她宠爱地朝着小宝宝微笑。The dog growled at him.朝着他狂吠。He swam headlong into the oncoming wave.他迎头朝着扑面而来的波浪游去。The phone went on ringing, drilling away at him.电话铃朝着他不停地发出刺耳声音。He strolled downhill towards the river.他漫步下山,朝着那条河走去。A great stride has been taken towards our goal.我们朝着目标迈出了一大步。The kitchen looks out onto a long narrow garden.厨房朝着一个窄长的花园。He nodded toward the distant ship, invisible in the darkness.朝着远处黑暗中看不到的轮船点点头。




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