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词汇 几点
例句 I think we've discussed everything we need to - by the way, what time is it?我想需要讨论的问题我们都讨论了——顺便问一下,几点了?Here are a few additional considerations that may help in making the correct decision.还有几点需要额外考虑的因素,或许会对作出正确决策有帮助。May I ask the time?请问现在几点了?Excuse me sir, do you know what the time is?对不起,先生,请问你知道几点了吗?What time do you make it, Emma? My watch has stopped.埃玛,你的表几点了?我的表停了。There are a few points here that are worth noting.这儿有几点值得注意。What time do you have to be at work?几点上班?List the points in descending order of importance.将这几点按重要性降序排列。These are just a few of the things I dislike about him.这些只是几点我讨厌他的地方。I have several comments to make in relation to the subject at hand.就当前这个主题,我有几点意见。I don't know what the time is, but it feels quite late.我不知道几点了,但感觉很晚了。What an old woman Dave is - he nearly had a fit because he got mud on his shoes!你知道戴夫是多爱大惊小怪的一个人——就因为鞋子上沾了几点泥巴,他就差一点大发脾气!Several limitations of this study merit consideration.这项研究的几点局限值得考虑。I personally disagreed with several elements of the proposal.我个人对提议中的几点持反对意见。What time did you clock off yesterday?你昨天几点打卡下班的?I phoned my mother to ask what time she was coming home.我打电话给母亲问她几点回家。This view is contrary to the aims of critical social research for a number of reasons.之所以说此观点违背了批判性社会研究的宗旨,有几点理由。When's the next flight to Miami?飞往迈阿密的下一个航班是几点?Excuse me, do you know what time it is?对不起,请问现在几点了?There are several deficiencies in his plan.他的计划中有几点缺陷。Let me give you a few pointers on managing a successful business.在管理成功企业方面,我给你提几点建议。Sorry, do you know the time?打扰一下,你知道几点了吗?There are a few points I'd like to make.几点我想说明一下。What time do you get home evenings?你晚上通常几点到家?The energy programme contains a few sure winners.这项能源计划中有几点肯定会受欢迎并获得成功。Excuse me, ma'am, do you know what time it is?对不起,小姐,您知道现在几点了吗?What are the times of the return trains?回程列车都有几点的?Jeepers, just look at the time! I'm going to be late!哎呀,看看都几点了!我要晚了!Look at the time! We'll be late.看看几点了!我们要迟到了。What is the movie's starting time? 电影几点开始?Do you have the time?你知道几点了吗?What do you make the time?/What time do you make it?你估计现在几点了?What time did you clock in this morning?今天早上你几点打的卡?I felt a few spots of rain.我感觉到落了几点雨。I'd like to return something to your store - what are your hours?我到你店里来退些东西,你们的营业时间是几点?What time are you getting your train?你赶几点的火车?He couldn't tell what time it was since his watch didn't have a luminous dial.他不知道几点了,因为他的表盘上没有夜光。There are several weak points in their theory.他们的理论有几点漏洞。Excuse me! Have you got the time on you please?很抱歉!请问几点了?Sorry to trouble you, but do you have the time?对不起打扰一下,请问你知道几点了吗?




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