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词汇 签订
例句 Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany.上个月,他与德国签订了新的互不侵犯条约。This led to a non-aggression pact between the two countries.这导致了两国间互不侵犯协议的签订Hungary has indicated its readiness to sign the treaty.匈牙利已表示愿意签订该条约。After months of negotiations, he eventually persuaded them to sign a peace treaty.经过几个月的谈判,他终于说服他们签订一项和平条约。You are under no obligation to buy the house if you have not signed a purchase agreement.如果你没有签订购买合同,就不一定非买这房子不可。The two superpower leaders sprang a surprise at a ceremony in the White House yesterday by signing a trade deal.昨天在白宫举行一个仪式上,这两个超级大国的领导人签订了一项贸易协定,让世人大吃一惊。They signed an agreement that parcelled out the Middle East into several spheres of influence.他们签订了一项协议,将中东瓜分为几个势力范围。My lawyer instructs me that the contract will be signed Monday.我的律师通知我合同将于星期一签订His son was indentured to the local blacksmith.他的儿子拜当地的铁匠为师签订了师徒合同。Korea is unyielding in its demands for a new treaty.朝鲜坚决要求签订新的条约。A formal marriage agreement sounds clinical, but it can be a good idea.签订一份正式的婚姻协议听起来少了些人情味,却是个不错的主意。The two countries signed an agreement to jointly launch satellites.两国曾签订了联合发射人造卫星的协议。The department said many countries had reciprocal agreements for health care with Britain.该部门称许多国家和英国签订了医疗卫生互惠协议。A treaty was signed which finally brought the conflict to an end.条约的签订终于使冲突结束了。Leaders of some rival factions signed a peace agreement last week.上周,一些敌对派系领导人签订了和平协议。Lithuania and Armenia signed a treaty in Vilnius recognising each other as independent sovereign states.立陶宛和亚美尼亚在维尔纽斯签订条约,承认彼此为独立主权国家。He was insistent on a formal written agreement.他坚持要求签订一份正式的书面协议。Hostilities ended when the treaty was signed.条约签订后战争结束了。When someone has broken their contract with you, there is no alternative but to go to court.如果有人违反了与你签订的合同,你除了打官司外别无选择。A treaty is the only viable pathway to a more secure and hopeful future.签订条约是通向更安全、更有希望的未来的唯一可行途径。The summit was crowned by the signing of the historic START treaty.此次峰会以签订具有历史性意义的《削减进攻性战略武器条约》宣告圆满成功。We were dubious about signing the deal.我们对签订这项交易没有把握。It is a condition of my contract with the university that I spend half of the summer vacation doing research.我和大学校方签订的合同上有一个条件是,暑假一半时间我必须做研究工作。They refused to sign a truce.他们拒绝签订休战协定。The United States and Canada may enter into an agreement that would allow easier access to jobs across the border.美国和加拿大可能会签订一项协议,使得两国之间的跨国就业更容易。Make certain the car is in good condition before you sign the rental agreement.签订租赁协议前要确保汽车状况良好。The proposals for a trade and cooperation agreement are now under study.签订贸易合作协定的建议现正在研究中。The agreement removes the last serious obstacle to the signing of the arms treaty.这个协议排除了签订武器条约的最后一个严重障碍。The company is buffered by long-term contracts with growers.公司通过与种植户签订长期合同得到保障。We signed the agreement so we are now bound by it.我们签订了协议,现在就要受协议的约束。They just signed a three-month indent with the company.他们刚刚与这个公司签订了一个三个月的服务合同。The contract is witnessed by others and duly recorded.合同在见证下签订并予以正式记录。The whole country celebrated the signing of the peace treaty.全国人民庆祝和平条约的签订The treaty was imposed by force, and therein lay the cause of its ineffectiveness.该条约是通过武力强行签订的,它之所以执行不力,原因就在于此。The company has threatened to lock out its factory workers unless they agree to a new contract.公司威胁工人,不同意签订新合同就不让他们进厂工作。The two sides began negotiating for a new contract.双方开始协商签订一项新合同。The lucrative contract with television means that England's wealthy football clubs will now be laughing all the way to the bank.与电视台签订的这项大合同会让富有的英格兰足球俱乐部财源滚滚。They signed agreements banning the use of chemical weapons.他们签订了禁止使用化学武器的协议。They are working towards having all countries sign a peace agreement.他们正在努力促成所有国家签订一项和平协议。She got a book deal with a major publisher.她和一家大出版公司签订了图书出版合同。




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