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The players bandied the ball while they waited for the game to start.队员们把球传来传去,等待着比赛开始。You can't change the situation – you'll just have to sweat it out.你无法改变这种情况,只有紧张地等待着。A much bigger battle is ahead for the president.一场更为艰巨的战斗正等待着总统。Their parents waited anxiously for news.他们的父母焦急地等待着消息。A princely welcome awaited them.隆重的欢迎场面等待着他们。He lay flat on his back, scarcely able to breathe, waiting for the ambulance.他仰面平躺着几乎无力呼吸,等待着救护车。He waited patiently then knocked on the counter.他耐心地等待着,后来就敲起柜台来。I faced the coming extraction of a bad tooth with my usual craven attitude.我照例战战兢兢地等待着拔掉病牙。The vultures are waiting for the bank to crash.那些贪婪的人在等待着银行的崩溃。An empty future awaits them.等待着他们的是空虚的未来。He waited, watching his prisoner like a hawk.他等待着,像鹰一般注视着他的俘虏。The actors not performing sit at the side of the stage in full view, waiting for their cues.还未轮到演出的演员坐在舞台旁边能看得一清二楚的地方,等待着他们的出场提示。There was great excitement amongst the crowd as they waited for the president to arrive.大家万分激动地等待着总统的到来。She was waiting for some outward expression of his love.她等待着他向自己表达爱意。The two teams eyed each other warily, waiting for the game to begin.两支队伍警惕地盯着对方,等待着比赛开始。They were waiting for a death blow that never came.他们等待着那致命一击,但那一击却没有发生。The players knew they would win and were licking their chops as they waited for the game to start.队员们知道他们会赢,兴奋地等待着比赛的开始。The teacher marked time until all the children were ready for the test.教师等待着,直到所有的孩子都为测验作好了准备。You're still young – you have your whole life before you.你还年轻,你的整个人生正等待着你。The outcome of the appeal is awaited with interest.人们在期盼中等待着上诉的结果。Your happiness lies before you.幸福在等待着你。He waited with barely concealed impatience.他等待着,不耐烦的神色几乎不加掩饰地流露出来。She lay in a state of suspended animation, waiting for dawnlight, when she would rise.她就那样呆呆地躺着,等待着黎明到来后起床。When she first arrived in the US she was afraid of what the future might hold in store for her here.她刚到美国时担心在这里等待着自己的将是什么样的命运。They waited for the fog to disperse.他们等待着雾气消散。Jeremy waited anxiously, listening to the ticking of the clock on the wall.杰里米听着墙上的钟声滴答滴答地响,焦急地等待着。The town was full of football supporters, waiting for the big day.镇上全是足球迷,等待着这一重大日子的到来。The truck driver honked his horn and waited.卡车司机按响喇叭等待着。Fernandez waits on Death Row, hoping for an eleventh-hour reprieve.费尔南德斯在监狱的死囚区里等待着,希望在最后一刻获得缓刑。They are waiting anxiously to see who will succeed him.他们焦急地等待着看谁会接替他上任。At the diplomatic conference each side waited for the other side to make a misstep.在这次外交会议上双方都等待着对方犯错误。The airport was full of anxious relatives, waiting nervously for news of the missing plane.机场挤满了焦虑的乘客亲属,他们忐忑不安地等待着失踪飞机的消息。I waited for the results with bated breath.我焦急地等待着结果。I waited, hoping for an opportune moment to discuss the possibility of a raise.我等待着,期待等到一个合适的时机讨论加薪的事。The crowd was buzzing as everyone waited for the band to come on stage.观众中人声沸腾,大家都兴奋地等待着乐队上台。A gigantic task of national reconstruction awaits us.重建国家的艰巨任务等待着我们去完成。Ontario's cultural mosaic is waiting to welcome you.安大略的多元文化正等待着欢迎您的到来。A crowd waited outside the television station for the president to arrive.人群在电视台外面等待着总统的到来。We have awaited your coming for days.我们等待着你的到来已有多天了。We sat idly, waiting for something to happen.我们无所事事地坐着,等待着发生点什么事情。 |