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词汇 第一次世界大战
例句 It is a collection of documents with reference to the First World War.这是一批有关第一次世界大战的文件。He served with distinction in the First World War.他在第一次世界大战中战功卓著。The book begins with an outline of the events that led to the First World War.这本书以概述导致第一次世界大战爆发的几个事件作开头。Pessimism replaced the mood of democratic optimism that existed before World War I.悲观主义替代了第一次世界大战之前存在的民主的乐观主义。The First World War is a record of human folly.第一次世界大战是人类愚昧的证明。The Ottoman Empire was carved up by Britain and France after World War I.奥斯曼帝国在第一次世界大战后被英、法两国瓜分了。The British and French carved up the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I.第一次世界大战结束后,英国和法国瓜分了奥斯曼帝国。The bridge was built around the time of World War I.那座桥大约建于第一次世界大战时期。The England of the last few years before World War I is gone beyond recall.第一次世界大战前最后几年中的那个英国社会是再也无法挽回了。The First World War slaughtered a whole generation.第一次世界大战毁掉了整整一代人。Our class is finishing up the unit on World War I.我们班快要学完第一次世界大战的那个单元了。His experiences in the First World War drove him mad.他在第一次世界大战中的经历把他逼疯了。France won back Alsace and Lorraine after World War I.第一次世界大战后法国收回了阿尔萨斯和洛林。Three of his brothers were killed in the First World War.他有三个兄弟死于第一次世界大战His artistic character was sealed by his experiences of the First World War.他在第一次世界大战中的经历奠定了他的艺术风格。The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand sparked the First World War.斐迪南大公遇刺引发了第一次世界大战The book details the train of events that led to the outbreak of the First World War.书中详细论述了导致第一次世界大战爆发的那一连串事件。In the First World War pneumonia was as deadly as bullets and shells.第一次世界大战时,肺炎跟枪炮一样致命。During the First World War, Turkey allied itself with Germany.第一次世界大战期间,土耳其与德国结成了联盟。The First World War is a record of human folly.第一次世界大战是人类蠢举的一个明证。The Poles were nationalized after World War I.第一次世界大战后波兰人建立了独立的国家。Fournier was killed in action during the First World War.福尼尔在第一次世界大战期间阵亡。It was these national rivalries that eventually touched off the First World War.正是国家之间的这些竞争最终引发了第一次世界大战The book describes some of the events leading up to the First World War.该书叙述了导致第一次世界大战的一些事件。The assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand started off the First World War.费迪南德大公的遇刺成为第一次世界大战的导火索。Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were gassed in the First World War.第一次世界大战中,数以十万计的士兵死于毒气。Bergson was imprisoned as a pacifist during the World War I.第一次世界大战期间,伯格森作为反战主义者入狱。The power of the British Empire began to set after World War I.第一次世界大战结束后,大英帝国的势力开始衰落。His poems epitomize the feelings of the generation of soldiers that fought in World War I.他的诗体现了在第一次世界大战中作战的那一代士兵的感情。I was called up three months after the First World War broke out.第一次世界大战爆发三个月以后,我就被征召入伍了。He was a soldier on the Western front in World War I.第一次世界大战时,他是西线的一名战士。World War I was supposed to be the war to end all wars.第一次世界大战曾被认为是结束所有战争的战争。The U.S. fought with Germany in World Wars I and II.美国曾在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战中与德国交战。Many of the young soldiers who were conscripted into the army in World War I did not want to fight.第一次世界大战中有许多应征入伍的年轻士兵并不愿意上战场作战。The main character is a soldier in the First World War.主人公是第一次世界大战时的一名士兵。The U.S. fought Germany in World Wars I and II.美国曾在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战中与德国交战。He fought with distinction in the First World War.第一次世界大战中他表现英勇。The Treaty of Versailles ended the First World War.《凡尔赛条约》结束了第一次世界大战He died in the First World War/the Vietnam war.他在第一次世界大战/越南战争中丧生。The U.S. fought against Germany in World Wars I and II.美国曾在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战中与德国交战。




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