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词汇 could go
例句 I was wondering if there was anywhere I could go to get this repaired.我一直在想有没有什么地方可以修这个东西。You could go to night school and earn a degree.你可以去夜校拿个文凭。We could go on a picnic today.我们今天可以去野餐。She knew that if she didn't put a stop to their squabbling now, it could go on for weeks.她知道,如果现在不结束他们的这场争吵,那就要吵好几个星期了。I don't know who's going to win. The game could go either way. 我不知道哪个队会赢,这两队都有可能赢得比赛。Even if we could go, which is highly doubtful, John wouldn't be able to come with us.即使我们能去 - 这还很没准儿 - 约翰也不能和我们一起去。Later on, we could go and have a meal if you like.你愿意的话,过会儿我们可以一起去吃饭。I asked whether I could go along with them.我问他们我是否能同去。Chris's parents scrimped and saved so that he could go to college.克里斯的父母节衣缩食供他上大学。Well, I sort of thought we could go out together sometime.噢,我觉得我们什么时候可以一起出去。She could go shopping, and wax her legs.她可以去逛商店,顺便除一下腿毛。It was a mistake to think that we could go on living on borrowed money.我们以为可以靠借钱度日,这是错误的想法。Wouldn't it be nice if we could go back to the days when life was slower than it is today.过去生活节奏比现在慢,要是能回到当时有多好。The nurse said I could go for a short walk around the hospital grounds.护士说我可以到医院的花园里去走走。The company could go broke if the economy doesn't improve soon.如果经济不很快复苏,这家公司可能破产。There's a bar over the road we could go to.我们可以去路那边的一家酒吧。He asked me if he could go home early, and I said I didn't mind.他问我他能否早些回家,我说我不反对。He felt unequal to the job and wished there were someone he could go to for advice.他感觉难以胜任这项工作,希望有人能给点建议。He asked if Joe could go on a picnic with him and his family.他问乔明天是否可以和他以及他的家人一起去野餐。Maybe if we could go someplace together, just you and I.也许我们可以一起去某个地方,就我和你。It sounds like the sort of meeting that could go on forever.这听起来好像是那种没完没了的会议。I could go for a cup of coffee right now.我现在想喝杯咖啡。If the weather's bad, we could go to the museum instead.假如天气不好,我们可以改去博物馆。I suppose I could go in for advertising.我想我可以从事广告行业。I asked if I could go to the loo.我问是否可以上厕所。Legal experts following the case believe the trial could go either way.关注这起官司的法律专家认为,两种审判结果都有可能。You could go to a private specialist to get a second opinion.你可以去找一位私人专科医生,多听一种意见。They hired a sitter so they could go out.他们雇了一个临时保姆,以便能够外出。I thought maybe we could go for a walk in the park.我想也许我们可以去公园走走。We could go out to eat, if you're in the mood.如果你想的话,我们可以出去吃饭。If Jo can't attend the meeting, I could go instead.如果乔不能去开会,我可以代他去。If I wanted to get really picky, I could go on and on.如果我真想吹毛求疵的话,我就会一直挑剔下去的。Let's go and see a film and afterwards we could go for a meal.我们去看场电影吧,之后可以去吃顿饭。If the weather holds out we could go swimming later.如果天气一直这样,我们可以以后再去游泳。Unless the economy improves the firm could go under.如果经济不好转,公司可能会倒闭。It was the vacation from hell: everything that could go wrong, did.这个假期简直糟透了,倒霉的事都让我摊上了。I wish we could go outside instead of stifling in this tiny room.但愿我们可以去外面,而不是闷在这个小房间里。I wish I could go to France.但愿我能去法国。We could go back to my cottage and have lunch there.我们可以回到我的小屋,在那儿吃午饭。The bomb could go off at any instant.炸弹随时都可能爆炸。




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