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例句 During his tenancy, he tried to make as many improvements as he could.在他租用期间,他尽了最大努力进行了改善。I scrubbed hard at the stain to see if I could get it off.我使劲擦这个污迹,看能不能将它去掉。She could feel the baby kicking against her stomach wall.她能感觉到宝宝在踢她的腹壁。She could not cope with such public displays of emotion.她应付不来这种公开的情感表达。As far as I could gather, he was trying to raise money for his new business.据我了解,他当时正为他的新公司筹钱。How could you allow him to do something like that?.你怎么会允许他做那样的事?I could hear the clinking of glasses coming from the dining room.我能听见餐厅里传来碰杯的叮当声。After years of close work, she could hardly see a thing if it was over a yard away.她多年来干的都是细活,一码以外的东西她就几乎看不见了。She bought a house with a big yard so that she could indulge her passion for gardening.她买了一幢带大院子的房屋,以便满足自己摆弄花草的爱好。He was mounted on the finest horse you could ever see.他骑着一匹难得一见的骏马。We went everywhere we could.能去的地方我们都去了。From the top of the tower you could see for miles over the city.在塔顶上你能俯瞰这个城市,可以看到好几英里远。He could walk with braces on his legs.他可以借助双腿上安的支架来走路。She had to practice flying in various weather conditions before she could get her pilot's license.她必须练习在各种天气状况下飞行,才能得到飞行员驾照。I could see my neighbor shaking with laughter.我看到邻居笑得浑身发抖。Thorpe could only stand and gawp.索普只是站着傻看。The kiss of life could be a concession on taxation powers for the Scottish Assembly.对苏格兰议会来说,可以在税收权利方面做出让步以恢复元气。What on earth/the hell were you playing at? - You could have got us all killed!你到底在瞎搞什么?你差点把我们都害死了!A couple with a terminally ill child want to create a designer baby that could save the boy's life.孩子患了不治之症的一对夫妻想要培育一个设计婴儿来挽救儿子的性命。We're hoping these talks could be a preface to peace.我们希望这些会谈能拉开和平的序幕。People who make a false allegation that injures someone else's reputation could be subject to a libel suit.通过虚假指控损害他人名誉者可被控诽谤罪。We could hear them banging their drums in the next street.我们听得见他们在下一条街上敲鼓。How could I have been so stupid?.我怎么会那么蠢?She could never think of a clever retort to counter Ben's string of jokes and witticisms.本笑话不断,妙语连珠,而她却想不出一句俏皮的话来反击他。If only we could afford to buy a place of our own.我们要是能买得起属于自己的住所就好了。How could a country rest its security on such promises?一个国家怎么能让自己的安全依赖这类诺言呢? In the morning he had such a headache that he could not even drink his coffee.上午他头疼得连咖啡都喝不下。I could see them through the slit in the curtains.我可以透过窗帘的缝隙看见他们。I could see the blood caked around his nostrils now.这下我可以看见他鼻孔周围粘着的血块了。The President could not get involved in the conflict without the support of the American people.总统若是得不到美国人民的支持,就不能介入这场冲突。A sudden shock could be fatal to anyone with a weak heart.对任何心脏功能弱的人来说,突然受惊吓可能会致命。I could not repress a shiver whenever I thought about what had happened to him.每想到他的遭遇,我总是情不自禁地打个寒战。We ran after the mugger as fast as we could, but he got away.我们尽快追赶行凶抢劫的歹徒,但他还是逃走了。He could hear the whirr of a vacuum cleaner.他能听到真空吸尘器的嗡嗡声。This could bring real benefits for teachers.这会为教师带来真实惠。Thousands of households could benefit under the scheme.成千上万的家庭可以受益于该计划。He could feel his frustration and rage rising to the surface.他可以感觉到自己的沮丧和愤怒正在显露出来。She would write it in rough and I could copy it out in neat.她会打出草稿,然后我来把它工工整整地誊写出来。How could he take upon himself to say that?他怎么能那样说呢? This, then, was the problem that faced him – he could not do his duty without betraying his friends.结果,这就成为他面临的问题,他只有背叛朋友才能尽到职责。




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