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Most coughs are viral in origin.咳嗽大多是由病毒引发的。The medicine is only moderately effective against coughs.这个药对咳嗽的疗效很一般。She said that she felt fine, but her sniffs and coughs told a different story.她说她感觉很好,可是她不停抽鼻子和咳嗽说明事实并非如此。He has all the classic symptoms of a cold - the coughs and sneezes and the sore throat.他具备感冒的所有典型症状——咳嗽、打喷嚏和嗓子疼。When she coughs, it's my cue to get up out of the chair.她一咳嗽就是暗示我该起身离开椅子了。They both have bad coughs.他们俩都咳得很厉害。A public address system magnifies all the little noises and coughs.有线广播系统把一点点声音、一点点咳嗽都放大了。In the last year she had been subject to “throats” and coughs.在最后一年里,她经常咽喉痛并咳嗽。 |