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词汇 竞争力
例句 I think you'll find our prices are extremely competitive.我想你会发现我们的价格极具竞争力We have to cut costs in order to remain competitive.我们只得削减成本来保持竞争力The minister believes that higher taxes would make industry uncompetitive.该部长认为提高税收会使工业失去竞争力In a global economy, the only way to maintain a competitive edge is to lead the world in innovation.在全球经济中,唯一能保持竞争力的途径就是在创新上占世界领先地位。IBM is continuing to cut costs in an effort to be more competitive.为了提高竞争力,国际商业机器公司不断在削减成本。Our products are competitively priced.我们的产品价格颇具竞争力The company needs to remold itself into a smaller and more competitive business.这个公司需要转型成为规模较小但更具竞争力的企业。She's fiercely competitive/independent.她极具竞争力/极其独立。UK companies face a stark choice if they are to stay competitive.英国公司如果想要保持竞争力就不得不面对严峻的选择。The company say they're able to keep pricing competitive.该公司说他们能够使定价保持竞争力If our industry is to remain competitive it must mean keeping a lid on prices.我们的行业要想保持竞争力,就必须对价格加以控制。New machinery has enhanced the company's productivity and competitiveness.新机器让公司提高了生产力,增强了竞争力Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety.我们的产品在质量、可靠性,尤其是品种方面颇具竞争力We are having to cut our costs to reduce overheads and remain competitive.我们现在必须减少开支以降低营运费用,保持竞争力What worries us is the competitive edge that foreign companies have vis-à-vis British firms.让我们担忧的是与英国公司相比外国公司所具有的竞争力Spending by Japanese companies has left them more competitive than companies in other nations. They will be cutting through the competition like a hot knife through butter.日本公司的支出使得它们比其他国家的公司更具竞争力。它们将在竞争中轻而易举地取胜。We are unable to tender competitively for the contract.我们对这个合同的投标没有竞争力This is the latest round of job cuts aimed at making the company more competitive.这是旨在使公司更具竞争力的最新一轮裁员。For our country to remain competitive, we need a highly-skilled, highly-educated workforce.为了使我们的国家保持竞争力,我们需要具备高技能、高学识的劳动力。These figures exaggerate the loss of competitiveness.这些数字夸大了竞争力的丧失。The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation.法国人认为不能以提高竞争力为由进行贬值,他们是有道理的。The betting is that the experience will make Japan more competitive still.这一经历很可能会让日本更具竞争力It is getting increasingly difficult for the US to remain competitive in consumer products.美国要在消费产品上保持竞争力是越来越难了。The new Chief Executive is whipping the company into shape and making it more competitive.新的总裁正在整顿公司,使其更具竞争力UK companies face a stark choice if they want to stay competitive.英国公司如果想要保持竞争力就不得不面对严峻的选择。We have to invest in new technology if we are to remain competitive.如果我们要保持竞争力,就必须投资开发新技术。The company is able to keep prices competitive.公司能够使价格保持竞争力The school was unable to hire good teachers because it was paying noncompetitive wages/salaries.由于给出的薪酬缺少竞争力,这所学校无法聘请到好老师。Unless they can reduce their prices, they will soon be unable to compete on the American market.除非他们能降价,否则在美国市场很快就会没有竞争力Our future competitiveness and prosperity depend more than ever before on technology and industry.我们未来的竞争力和繁荣比以往任何时候都更取决于技术和工业。The City was criticised for being too exclusive and uncompetitive.伦敦城被指责过于奢华和缺乏竞争力Some US industries are not as competitive as they have been in the past.美国一些产业的竞争力不如以前了。As long as the school system keeps offering uncompetitive wages, people looking for jobs will apply elsewhere.只要教育系统给出的工资依旧缺乏竞争力,找工作的人就会到别处去求职。Their exports are becoming less price competitive.他们的出口商品在价格上越来越缺少竞争力We have a wide range of vehicles available for hire at competitive rates.我们有多种类型的交通工具出租,价格也颇具竞争力To stay competitive, they'll have to ramp up product development as well as cut prices.为保持竞争力,他们除了降价以外,还将不得不加大产品开发的力度。The betting is that the experience will make Japan more competitive still.这场经历很有可能使日本更具竞争力It is only on the world market that we can prove the competitiveness and quality of our goods.只有在世界市场上我们才能证明自身商品的竞争力和质量。Companies must continually prune costs to stay competitive.公司必须不断削减成本以保持竞争力Good communications are of the essence to remain competitive.良好的沟通对于保持竞争力是极为重要的。




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