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词汇 窃取
例句 People are using file-sharing to steal copyrighted works.人们使用文件共享窃取受版权保护的作品。He mooched ideas from various Christian, Buddhist, and Zoroastrian sects.他从基督教、佛教和索罗亚斯德教的不同教派窃取观点。Corvino was the sixth member of the spy ring to be arrested for stealing high-tech secrets from several Silicon Valley firms.一个间谍网从硅谷的数家公司窃取高科技秘密情报,科尔维诺是第六号要逮捕的成员。He's just using you - he'll steal your ideas and then take the credit for them himself.他只是在利用你——他会窃取你的想法,然后把功劳都算到自己头上。He got caught skimming off funds from the charity.他被发现从慈善机构窃取钱财。They had concocted a scheme/plan to steal money from the company.他们策划窃取公司钱财。They have shamelessly stolen the best ideas.他们无耻地窃取了最好的点子。Someone hacked into the company's financial records.有人窃取了公司的财务记录。His real reason for coming was to pick Michael's brains and pump him for information.他前来的真正原因是窃取迈克尔脑力劳动的成果,并从他那儿刺探情报。Crafty cyber-thieves have found that they can steal a lot of money in electronic bank thefts with very little risk.狡猾的网络窃贼发现可以从电子银行中窃取大笔钱款,风险却很小。These security holes allow malicious users to hijack your account.这些安全漏洞使恶意用户得以窃取你的账户信息。I suspect he has abstracted the file from my cabinet.我怀疑他是从我的柜子里窃取的文件。The material was pinched from another book.这个素材是从另一本书中窃取来的。A government official has been accused of stealing from the nation's treasury.一名政府官员被控窃取国库。The task force will concentrate on stopping the theft of trade secrets.工作组将集中于防范商业机密被人窃取He accused his younger brother of trying to steal his rightful inheritance.他指责弟弟企图窃取他合法继承的遗产。Companies producing similar goods tend to poach ideas from each other.产品类似的公司常常会窃取彼此的想法。Unidentified cyberterrorists gained access to emails and financial details of customers.不明身份的网络恐怖分子窃取了客户的电子邮箱和财务信息。They broke into the shop and helped themselves to the stock.他们破门而入随心所欲地窃取店里的货品。




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