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词汇 突然
例句 She ran after the dog, lost her balance, and fell flat on her face.她跑着去追那条狗,突然失去平衡,直挺挺地摔了个嘴啃地。There was a sudden hush as the musicians came onto the stage.那些音乐家上台时,台下突然静了下来。The pipe suddenly sprung a leak. 那根管子突然裂开了。She suddenly realized that Wim was reciting Kirk's telephone number.突然意识到威姆正在念的是柯克的电话号码。The party suddenly came alive. 聚会突然变得活跃起来。He kicked the chair in a spasm of impatience.突然变得不耐烦,一脚踢向椅子。A sudden breeze rustled the long dry grass.突然刮来一阵风,吹得这片高高的干草沙沙作响。The voice suddenly perked up, becoming hearty and confident.说话声突然充满了劲儿,变得热情又自信。We were standing for Madeira when the storm broke.正当我们驾船向马德拉岛航行时,突然起风暴了。 The last thing you want is for your line to snap half way through winding it in.你最不想遇到的情况是拖到一半时绳子突然绷断了。The screen suddenly went black.显示器突然黑屏了。Jenny dug me sharply in the ribs and told me to be quiet.珍妮突然戳了我一下,叫我安静。As I read the letter again, a number of thoughts came to mind.我重读这封信时,突然有了一些想法。He felt a sudden compulsion to drop the bucket and run.突然冲动地想要扔掉水桶拔腿就跑。I suddenly realized that the boy was crying.突然意识到那男孩在哭。Suddenly they heard a loud bang.他们突然听到砰的一声。She hit upon a clever scheme.突然想出了一个很妙的主意。How did he survive his icy plunge?突然落入冰冷的水中,他是如何活下来的?I had a sudden flashback to the time immediately after the war.我的思绪突然闪回到战争刚结束的那段时间。Suddenly the room filled with intense light.突然,刺眼的强光照亮了整个房间。They were caught in a clinch when their parents returned home unexpectedly.父母突然回家,撞见他俩拥抱在一起。He threw the car into reverse.突然挂倒车挡。He was driving along the motorway when his tyre burst.他正在高速公路上行驶时,突然轮胎爆了。Suddenly, Jason burst into tears and poured out his heart, telling his mother all about everything.杰森突然哭了,说出了心里话,把一切都告诉了母亲。At this moment a strange idea came upon him.此时,他突然产生了一个奇怪的想法。The lights in the building suddenly went off.大楼里的灯突然熄灭了。He broke off what he was saying, clamping his teeth together.突然不说话了,紧咬着牙关。Her husband's sudden death was the start of a dark chapter in her life.丈夫突然去世后她就开始生活在伤心绝望之中。We were all blindsided by the news of her sudden death.突然去世的消息令我们都感到非常震惊。Why is she being so nice to everyone all of a sudden? She's obviously got a guilty conscience about something.她为什么突然之间对大家都这么好?显然她心里有什么事觉得内疚。She felt a sudden impulse to look to her left.突然有种想往左看的冲动。Suddenly, the narrator speaks in his most rhetorically elevated mode.突然,解说员开始用高昂煽情的语调解说起来。Suddenly I was cartwheeling down the slope, all orientation gone.突然我侧身滚下山坡,完全失去了方向感。It's suddenly come back to him where he saw her last.突然记起上次看到她的地方。He began to address the group and had a complete mental blank.他开始面向人群讲话,突然脑子一片空白。After a ruinous strike, the union caved in.一场破坏性的罢工之后,工会突然服软了。She was so grateful she fell on him and kissed him.她非常感激,突然抱住他吻了一下。I suddenly felt chilled and had to go indoors.突然觉得冷,不得不进屋。Banks of electronic equipment burst into life.一排排的电子设备突然运转起来。A man suddenly appeared from behind a tree.一名男子突然从树后冒出来。




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