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Ensure there are no sharp or protruding nails.确保没有锋利或突出的指甲。Her boyish-cut hair, pale skin, and prominent nose jarred with the conventional ideal of beauty.她男孩般的发型、苍白的皮肤和突出的鼻子不符合传统的美女标准。Two balconies projected out over the seats below.下面的座位上方有两个突出的阳台。All the cameras we tested were good, but there was no real standout.我们测试的所有相机都不错,但没有真正突出的。North America provides the most striking instance of European settlement on a grand scale.北美洲就是欧洲大规模移民最为突出的例证。Its other great virtue is its hard-wearing quality.它另一个突出的优点就是经久耐用。She has an unusual sensibility for colours.她对色彩具有突出的鉴赏力。The male has a distinctive white stripe above the eyes.雄性的眼睛上方有一道突出的白条纹。He disappeared behind a small rimrock ledge.他从一小块突出的岩石架后面消失了。The overhang of the roof cast a shadow on the ground.屋顶上突出的飞檐在地上投下一片阴影。Nails that project from the wall may tear your clothes.墙上突出的钉子会撕破你的衣服的。Hempel was a prominent logical positivist of the Berlin school.亨佩尔是柏林学派中突出的逻辑实证主义者。Discretion is my middle name.小心谨慎是我突出的个性。The bishop played a prominent role in revamping the city's image.主教在改善该市形象的过程中发挥了突出的作用。His eminencies were kindness and understanding.他突出的优点是善良和理解别人。A striking feature of this architectural style is the elliptical windows.这种建筑风格中一个突出的特点是窗户呈椭圆形。A protrusion of rock gave us shelter from the storm.突出的山岩使我们免遭暴风雨的袭击。There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic.好莱坞史诗巨片有许多突出的特点,很好辨认。The house stands on a shelf of rock among pines.房子矗立在松树丛中一块突出的岩石上。The castle is perched on a massive outcrop of rock.城堡建于一块突出的巨大岩石上。We stood under the overhang while it rained.下雨时我们站在突出的遮挡物下面。The musical talent on display is extremely impressive.那突出的音乐天赋给人印象极为深刻。 |