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词汇 空儿
例句 Have you time for a cuppa?你有空儿喝杯茶吗?Tell her I've got a window in my diary later on this week.告诉她我这周晚些时候有空儿Is there enough space for me to park there?有没有足够的空儿让我把车停在那儿?There isn't much space between our houses.我们的房子之间没多少空儿I've got a window in my diary later this week.我这周晚些时候有空儿I'd love to help but I've got my hands full organizing the school play.我愿意帮忙,可是我正忙着组织学校的戏剧演出,腾不出空儿来。I'm busy this week but there might be a window on Friday.我本周相当忙,但可能在星期五还有个空儿We only had enough room to pack the bare essentials. 我们只有装必需品的空儿了。




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