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The oil companies lined his pockets and he reduced their taxes.石油公司让他中饱私囊,他则减轻石油公司的税额。High taxes have been a drag on the economy.高税额一直是经济发展的绊脚石。The allowable deduction is apportioned between the estate and the beneficiaries.减免的税额在地产和受益人之间分摊。I'm still figuring my taxes.我仍在计算我的税额。The cost of the alcohol duty varies according to the amount of wine in the bottle.酒税税额随酒瓶容量的大小而有所不同。New car buyers and smokers will be hit by increases in taxes and excise.新车买主和吸烟者会因为税额和消费税的提高而受到打击。We tried to estimate the amount of duty we would have to pay.我们估计了一下我们应缴纳的税额。Raising taxes could choke off the recovery.提高税额会抑制复苏。The government has been offering tax credits, accelerated depreciation, and other economic hanky-panky.政府一直都在玩弄税额免除、加速货币贬值和其他经济上的花招。The reporter queried several citizens about the tax hike.记者就税额大幅增加的问题询问了几位市民。He's written a piece of software that does your taxes for you.他编写了一个为你计算税额的软件。They were treated as a married couple for taxation purposes.计算税额时他们被视同已婚夫妇。The government has been offering tax credits, accelerated depreciation, and other economic hanky-panky.政府一直在搞税额抵免、加速折旧及其他一些经济上的花招。Get your tax claim assessed by an expert.请专家确定你的税额。Certain business losses can be set against taxes.某些营业上的亏损可以从税额中抵销。 |