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A lot of the money will go straight to the taxman.这笔钱中很大一部分将直接上交税务部门。I've had a letter from the tax authorities concerning my tax payments.我收到了税务部门寄来的关于我纳税情况的一封信。She has a well-paid job in the tax department.她在税务部门干着一份收入丰厚的工作。One-third of her salary goes to the taxman.她三分之一的薪水都给了税务部门。The application has to be completed in triplicate, with the original being kept by the bank and the copies going to the customer and the tax office.申请书必须一式三份,原件由银行保管,复印件留给顾客和税务部门。 |