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例句 Some people think it's a stretch to call fishing a sport.有些人认为把钓鱼称作一项运动有些牵强。He described these regimes as tyrannies and dictatorships.他把这些政权称作专制与独裁政府。He claims as his literary ancestors such giants as Henry James and William Faulkner.他将亨利・詹姆斯和威廉・福克纳等文学巨匠称作自己的先驱。She calls Lapidus' work a precursor to today's postmodern movement.她把拉皮德斯的作品称作如今后现代运动的先驱样本。She referred to him as a stupid cow.她竟把他称作笨母牛。Critics have unfairly labelled Young a racist.批评者们不公正地把扬称作种族主义者。Mr. Annan called poverty an affront to human dignity and human rights.安南先生把贫困称作对人类尊严和权利的侵犯。The young of a wolf are called pups.狼的幼崽称作狼崽。He described these regimes as tyrannies and dictatorships…他把这些政权称作专制与独裁政府。Morris has strongly criticized Paulson's writings but stops short of calling him a racist.莫里斯强烈批评保尔森的作品,但最终没有把他称作是种族主义者。The process, in which the tea develops its characteristic astringency, is known as fermentation.茶开始散发涩味的过程称作发酵。They called the Arab cavalrymen camelback soldiers.他们把阿拉伯骑兵称作骆驼骑兵。He referred to himself as a lapsed Catholic.他把自己称作是一个离经叛道的天主教徒。The ruler of a kingdom is designated a king.王国的统治者称作国王。Collins called the governor a crook and said he should be removed from office.柯林斯把州长称作骗子,并说应该把他赶下台。You can call a happy home a springboard for success.你可以把一个幸福家庭称作取得成功的出发点。It is only one of the absurd rules in the system of law laughingly known as British justice.这只是被冠冕堂皇地称作英国司法的法律体系中荒唐的法律规定之一。The President described his conversation with the Russian leader as enlightening.总统把他和俄罗斯领导人的对话称作富有启发性。Paisley described government plans to separate Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom as an act of betrayal.佩斯利把政府准备将北爱尔兰从英国分裂出去的计划称作是叛国行为。To describe all these people as refugees is to oversimplify the situation.把所有这些人都称作难民是把情况过于简单化了。Have you tried the slop that they call stew in the canteen?你尝了食堂里他们称作炖菜的那个软塌塌的东西了吗?She would be in pain for the rest of her life, if you could call it a life.她的余生都将在痛苦中度过,如果你还把那称作生活的话。At one stage he referred to Anna as John's fiancée, but later said that was a slip of the tongue.曾有那么一段时间他把安娜称作约翰的未婚妻,但后来又说那是口误。I've been out with Harry a couple of times, but I wouldn't call him my boyfriend.我和哈里出去过几次,但我不会把他称作男朋友。You call that piece of garbage a sonnet?你能把那蹩脚货称作十四行诗吗?How can you call those barbarians your friends?你怎么能把那些没教养的人称作朋友?The boy was labeled a troublemaker.这男孩被人称作捣蛋鬼。He expressed his appreciation for what he called Saudi Arabia's moderate and realistic oil policies.他表示很感激沙特阿拉伯推行的被他称作稳健而务实的石油政策。Her Chinese friends referred to the Empress as their venerable ancestor.她的中国朋友们把这位女皇称作令人敬仰的祖先。The two players have often been bracketed together as promising youngsters.这两名选手经常被一起称作后起之秀。If two video rental firms merge, that is horizontal integration.两个录像带租借商号合并为一家,称作横向合并。Marcia had referred to him as a dear friend.马西娅把他称作好朋友。




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