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词汇 积聚
例句 You should clean the mechanism regularly to prevent buildup of dirt.你应该定期清洁机件,防止灰尘积聚The changing world climate is probably due to a build-up of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide.全球性的气候变化可能是二氧化碳等有害气体的积聚而引起的。Their passion/anger/fear/hatred has been building up for years.他们的热情/愤怒/恐惧/仇恨多年以来一直在积聚He amassed a great fortune.积聚了一大笔财富。Iodine tends to localize in the thyroid.碘往往会积聚在甲状腺内。The build-up of gas caused a small explosion.煤气的积聚导致了一次小爆炸。There are certain places where a lot of dust collects.某些地方积聚了很多灰尘。Dirt must not be allowed to accumulate.绝对不可让灰尘积聚The birds build up fat reserves to help them survive the winter.鸟类积聚脂肪以利越冬。I got all the emotion out of me which had been stored up.我把之前积聚的情绪全都发泄了出来。The pressure for change seemed to gather renewed force.要求变革的压力似乎积聚了新的势头。The country's amassment of atomic warheads made its neighbors nervous.该国积聚了大量的核弹头,使其邻国紧张不安。Before he was forty he amassed a large fortune.他在四十岁之前已积聚了一大笔财富。Chemicals in the lake are building to dangerous levels.湖里的化学物质不断积聚,已经逼近危险的水平。Like a telescope it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight.和望远镜一样,它有一个曲面镜可以积聚阳光。He has amassed a considerable fortune out of trading shares.他靠股票交易积聚了很大一笔财富。Fertilizers can contain salts that build up in the soil.肥料中可能含有积聚在土壤中的盐分。The country was seething with discontent and the threat of revolution was real.这个国家积聚着不满情绪,革命的威胁真实存在。Deal with any problems when necessary, so preventing a build-up of strain.有必要时就处理一下问题,这样就能防止压力的积聚A residue can build up on the hair shaft, leaving the hair limp and dull looking.残留物会积聚在头发上,使头发看起来软塌塌的,而且毫无光泽。She felt irritation growing in her.她觉得内心的恼怒在积聚Lead can accumulate in the body until toxic levels are reached.铅会在体内积聚直至造成铅中毒。They'd have a lot of hydrogen sulphide gas bound up in their cells.他们的牢房里会积聚大量硫化氢气体。Over the years he had amassed an absolute fortune.这么些年来,他积聚了大量的财富。




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