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词汇 租金
例句 The rent was equal to half his monthly income.租金相当于他半个月的收入。The tenants were not prepared to pay the higher rents demanded.房客不愿意付更高的租金The rental cost has been calculated to take into account the depreciation of the vehicle.租金的计算已经考虑了车辆的折旧。The special low rent is designed to attract new businesses to the area.特别低廉的租金是为了吸引新的企业到该地区来。Everything that goes into making a programme, staff, rent, lighting, is now costed.制作节目的所有成本,包括人工、租金、灯光等,现在都已经进行了估算。Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people.参与政治分肥的政客们分发租金以赢得选票并影响民众。The rental will be prorated if occupancy does not begin on the first day of the month.如果房客不是月初入住的话,租金将按比例计算。The rental on the TV includes maintenance and repairs.电视机租金包括保养和修理费用。Dear Mr. Pritchard, I am writing to remind you that your rent is now two months overdue.亲爱的普里查德先生:您租金两月未付,兹特函通知。Under the new lease, the rent would go up.新租约规定,租金要提高。The rent on his apartment was his biggest monthly expense.公寓的租金是他每月最大的一笔开支。Office rents are highest in the city centre.市中心的办公室租金最高。He couldn't afford the rent by himself.他自己付不起租金The company has paid out a lot of money in rent.公司已经支付了大量租金A proportion of the rent is met by the city council.一部分租金由市政委员会支付。The landlord raised my rent.房东提高了我的租金Of course, slap-bang in the middle of town the rents are high.当然啦,市区正中心的租金是很高的。Where Marcella lives, the rents are fairly cheap, but a little further north it's a different story.玛塞拉居住的地方,租金比较便宜,但稍稍再往北一点情况就不同了。The housing association agreed to wait for his rent, as he would be paid in arrears.房屋协会同意等待他的租金,因为他是先干活后拿工资的。The rent has strained our finances.租金使我们财务困难。The rent's three weeks overdue.租金逾期三周了。An oversupply of office space drove down rent prices.写字楼供大于求使得租金下调。The rent money is two months in arrears.租金已经拖欠了两个月。She charged them an exorbitant rent.她对他们收取高额租金The large stores have pushed up the rents in the area.大商店抬高了这一地区的租金It's hard to find an apartment around here, and when you do the rents are pretty steep.在这一带找间公寓很困难,即使找到的话,租金也是高得惊人。They were planning to send in the bailiffs unless Gosling paid the rent he owed.他们打算派郡副司法长官去没收财产,除非戈斯林交付所欠的租金Rent is charged in a sliding ratio to the wages of the tenant.租金按照租户的工资浮动收取。He can't afford his rent, let alone a holiday.他连租金都付不起了,就别说去度假了。The company receives rent on local property that it owns.该公司收取归其所有的当地房产的租金Fixed costs include rent.固定成本包括租金The court was told that Blake had charged hundreds of dollars in rent for rooms that were unfit for human habitation.法庭被告知,布莱克收取几百美元的租金,而房间却不宜住人。The rent is due on the last day of the quarter.租金在这个季度的最后一天到期。The east bay offers low rents without the low-rent image.东海湾租金低,但又不给人档次低的感觉。The high rents are pricing some people out of the market.高额的租金使一些人望而却步。Rents will be kept at this level for another year.租金在来年仍将保持这个水平。I collected the rent from the tenants.我从房客那儿收取了租金It was comfortable and cheap: best of all, most of the rent was being paid by two American friends.房子既舒适又便宜:最妙的是,大部分租金是由两位美国朋友支付的。Rent costs two-thirds of my paycheck.租金花掉我薪水的三分之二。You know we can't possibly pay as much as that in rent.你知道我们支付不起那么高的租金




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