例句 |
My science teacher is such a trip - he says the most bizarre things. 我的科学课老师真有娱乐性,他会说一些最奇怪的事情。You know my old science teacher! Well, it's a small world, isn't it?原来你认识我以前的科学课老师!嘿,这真是太巧了,不是吗?We had a pop quiz in science class today.今天我们在科学课上有一个突击测验。My science teacher always sets a lot of homework.我的科学课老师总是布置很多家庭作业。It's a pity that so many people are uninterested in science at school.这么多人对学校的科学课不感兴趣,真是可惜。 |