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词汇 私立学校
例句 Many parents want to send their children to private school because class sizes are smaller.许多父母都想送孩子上私立学校,因为私立学校班级人数较少。Private schools tend to stress the more academic subjects.私立学校往往注重学术性较强的科目。They sent me to a fancy private school.他们把我送到一所昂贵的私立学校学习。Private schools in Britain are often misleadingly called public schools.英国的私立学校称为公学常常令人误解。They entered their child at a private school.他们让他们的孩子在一所私立学校就读。Did you go to a state school or a private school?你上的是公立学校还是私立学校He developed a wide range of sporting interests as a pupil at Millfield.他在米尔菲尔德私立学校上学的时候培养了广泛的运动爱好。My own education prejudices me in favour of private schools.我自己所受的教育使我偏爱私立学校I can't afford to send my kid to private school.我无力供孩子上私立学校In Britain, the choice between state and private schools accentuates the differences between rich and poor.在英国,公立学校和私立学校之间的选择,突出了贫富之间的差别。She went to a progressive private school where the pupils could choose which lessons to attend.她上了一所很新派的私立学校,那里的学生可以自选课程。She wore the plaid skirt that was the uniform of her private school.她穿了一条花格呢裙,那是她就学的私立学校的校服。There are some bad teachers in state schools, but the same thing goes for private schools as well.国立学校里有一些蹩脚的老师,但在私立学校里也是如此。The private school's exclusivity was part of its appeal for many parents.这所私立学校的排外性是吸引许多家长的部分原因。Certain practices exist in both public and private schools.某些习惯做法既存在于公立学校,也存在于私立学校She attended an exclusive private school.她念了一所高级的私立学校Browne was caught using drugs, and was sent home from the private school in disgrace.布朗使用毒品被人发现,很不体面地被私立学校遣送回家。Not everyone has the privilege of a private education.不是每个人都有接受私立学校教育的特权。The private schools cream off many of the best pupils.私立学校招走了很多优秀的学生。There was a belief amongst teachers in state schools that pupils in independent schools were angelic.过去公立学校的教师认为,私立学校的学生是很守规矩的。He will have to fork out for private school fees for Nina.他将不得不为尼娜支付私立学校的学费。This does not necessarily imply that children achieve better results in private schools.这未必意味着孩子们上私立学校就会取得更好的成绩。Public schools always have the advantage over private schools in that country.在那个国家中公立学校比私立学校更占优势。They are able to send both their children to private school.他们有能力把两个孩子都送入私立学校读书。They didn't have the resources to send him to private school.他们没有钱送他上私立学校Private schools regulate the behavior of students.私立学校规范学生行为。Suburban voters are completely against vouchers.郊区选民完全反对私立学校奖学金。She received her education at private schools.她在私立学校接受的教育。The new private schools cater for the children of social climbers rather than those of the old upper classes.这些新的私立学校投合向上爬的人的孩子所需,而不是老式上流社会孩子的需要。Small classes are a selling point for private schools.小班授课是私立学校的卖点。He balks at sending his children to expensive private schools. 他不愿把子女送到昂贵的私立学校Local companies and industries have been helping independent schools by providing buildings and equipment.本地公司和工业一直在帮助私立学校建造大楼和购买设备。She accused me of snobbery because I sent my sons to a private school.她指责我虚荣,因为我送儿子上了一所私立学校Private schools skim off the cream from state schools.私立学校把公立学校的尖子生挖走了。We scrimp and save to send our children to a private school.我们省吃俭用,为的是送孩子去私立学校上学。He attended Eton, the most exclusive private school in Britain.他上的是伊顿公学,英国最昂贵的私立学校The upper classes usually send their children to expensive private schools.富人阶层一般把孩子送往学费昂贵的私立学校They enrolled their children in a private school.他们让孩子们上了私立学校Scarcely any of the private schools replied to the researcher's questionnaire.私立学校中几乎没有一家填写研究人员的调查表。Does private education skim off all the best students from the state system?私立学校是不是会把公立学校最好的学生都挖走?




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