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词汇 禁不住
例句 I just broke down and wept with tears of joy.我一下子禁不住喜极而泣。He said queer things at which one often could not help but laugh, but he said them without intentionally offering them as witticisms.他讲些奇妙的事情让人禁不住笑,可他并没刻意地将它们当俏皮话来说。You can't help but be humbled when you enter this cathedral.进入这座大教堂,你会禁不住感到自己很渺小。I couldn't stop running it over in my mind.禁不住反复考虑起这件事来。You can't help being struck by her kindness.禁不住要为她的善良而感动。I couldn't resist taking a look inside the box.禁不住往盒子里面看了一眼。The song was so beautiful that it made me catch my breath.这首歌太好了,我禁不住屏息而听。The audience gave way to uncontrollable bursts of laughter.观众禁不住爆发出阵阵大笑。The arch had crumbled under the weight of all those stones.拱门禁不住那些石块的全部重力而坍塌了。He couldn't help worrying obsessively about what would happen.禁不住时刻担心将会发生的事情。At the end of the movie, Liz began to cry despite herself.在电影的最后,莉兹禁不住哭了起来。I cannot forbear expressing my surprise.禁不住表示出惊讶。I couldn't restrain my laughter.禁不住笑了出来。The audience dissolved into tears during the play's final scene.在这个剧的最后一场,观众都禁不住热泪盈眶。He experienced an irresistible urge to yawn.禁不住想要打哈欠。He could not hold back a snort of disgust.禁不住厌恶地哼了一声。I had the constant temptation to look out of the window.我总是禁不住想向窗外看。Kathy couldn't help smiling as the children came back into the room.孩子们回到房间,凯茜禁不住笑了。She finally broke down and got a cell phone. 她最终禁不住诱惑,还是买了一部手机。We can't help worrying for your safety.我们禁不住担心你的安全。He burst into uncontrollable laughter at something I'd said.听了我的话,他禁不住大笑起来。She dissolved into tears at the mention of Munya's name.一提到芒雅的名字她就禁不住哭了起来。He couldn't stop thinking about her.禁不住想她。Most of his rivals couldn't resist kicking a man when he was down.他的大多数对手都禁不住对他来个落井下石。The witness broke under questioning.证人禁不住询问而崩溃了。Despite her annoyance, she couldn't help feeling a grudging admiration for him.尽管生气,她还是禁不住暗暗佩服他。The children dissolved into laughter/giggles.孩子们禁不住大笑起来/咯咯地笑起来。Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.她的目光禁不住被外面的风景所吸引。These porcelain showpiece blossoms look so real that you're tempted to smell them.这些瓷器花展品看起来像真的一样,让你禁不住要去闻它们。Sometimes my imagination runs away with me and I convince myself that they are having an affair.有时候我会禁不住胡思乱想,认为他们有暧昧关系。It is temptingly easy to cheat on taxes.人们禁不住就想骗税。She was deeply moved and in spite of herself could not help showing it.她被深深地打动了,禁不住为之动容。Don't let yourself be persuaded into buying things you don't want.禁不住别人的劝说,买些不想要的东西。I was tempted to place a large bet.禁不住诱惑下了一个大赌注。Even the grave old gentleman could not suppress a laugh.连那位严肃的老绅士都禁不住笑了。She broke down and sobbed aloud.禁不住大声哭了起来。Aiden couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity of the plan.艾登禁不住惊叹于这份计划的简明。I could not repress a shiver whenever I thought of him.我一想到他就禁不住一阵战栗。I can't help worrying about the future.禁不住担心未来。She was unable to hide her delight at his failure.对他的失败她禁不住喜形于色。




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