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词汇 神话中
例句 The phoenix is a mythological bird.凤凰是神话中的鸟。This is well illustrated in the mythologies of many cultures.在各个文明的神话中,这一点都得到了充分的体现。In Norse mythology the moon is personified as male.北欧神话中,月亮被拟人化为男性。According to Greek legend, it was Oedipus who solved the riddle of the Sphinx.古希腊神话中说,是俄狄浦斯解开了斯芬克斯之谜。The Gorgon was a mythical creature.戈耳戈蛇发女妖是神话中的怪物。The unicorn is a mythical creature.独角兽是神话中虚构出来的动物。In ancient Greek mythology, Mount Olympus was the dwelling place of the gods. 在古希腊神话中,奥林匹斯山是诸神居住的地方。Hercules was a mythical hero who was half man and half god.赫拉克勒斯是神话中的一个半人半神的英雄。The theme of creation is a recurrent motif in Celtic mythology.天地万物的创造是凯尔特神话中反复出现的主题。




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