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词汇 祖父
例句 His perspicacious grandfather had bought the land as an investment, guessing that there might be gold underground.他睿智的祖父投资买下了这块地,认为地下可能有黄金。Grandpa passed away last night at midnight.祖父昨晚子时过世。My grandfather ran away to sea when he was twelve.我的祖父在十二岁时就离家去当水手。All the furniture in this room was made by my grandfather.这个房间里的所有家具都是我祖父做的。They could not hammer any new idea into their grandfather's head.他们无法向祖父灌输任何新思想。But still his grandfather behaved as if he were nothing more substantial than a phantom.但他祖父的行动依旧像影子那样捉摸不定。She wrote a heartbreaking story about the death of her grandfather.她写了一个关于她祖父过世的伤心故事。She asked her grandfather to remember her in his will.她要祖父在遗嘱中给她留下遗赠。My grandfather worked in coal mines in England and Wales.我的祖父在英格兰和威尔士的煤矿干过活儿。She inquired after his grandfather's health.她询问了他祖父的健康状况。My grandfather arrived in New York after the Civil War.祖父在南北战争之后来到纽约。She sweet-talked her grandfather into giving her a car.她甜言蜜语地哄得祖父送她一辆车。My grandfather used to give my grandmother housekeeping each week.祖父过去每星期都给我祖母家用钱。The girl smacked her grandfather on the cheek.女孩在她祖父的脸颊上叭咂亲了个响吻。My grandfather is still hale and hearty at 85.祖父八十五岁了还很健壮。Grandad died peacefully in his sleep.祖父是他睡着的时候安详地去世的。Jim treasured the gold pocket watch that his grandfather had given him.吉姆十分珍爱祖父送给他的金怀表。My grandfather will never rest idle.祖父从来不肯闲著。Their grandfather had left his village in order to escape the grinding poverty.为了摆脱贫困的煎熬,他们的祖父离开了村子。My grandfather is very much alive and kicking.我的祖父还健在。My grandfather was very intelligent, but he never did himself justice at school.祖父很聪明,可他上学时从没发挥出自己的水平。My great-grandfather is my grandfather's father.我的曾祖父是我祖父的父亲。My grandfather was very fond of handing out advice to all my friends.祖父喜欢对我的每一位朋友都大赠忠告。He always seemed old to me, more like a grandfather than a father.我总感到他长相见老,更像祖父而不是父亲。 Her grandfather was a little shaky on his feet after the fall.祖父摔了一跤后,走起路来有点不稳。The film was made in memory of his grandfather.这部电影是为纪念他祖父而拍摄的。My grandfather flew bombers during the war.祖父在战争期间驾驶轰炸机。Is your grandfather alive or deceased?祖父在世还是去世了?The mother called the baby Sam after his grandfather.母亲以婴孩的祖父的名字山姆来给他命名。My grandfather had among his possessions a portrait by Matisse.祖父有一幅马蒂斯画的肖像画。He was called by the name of his grandfather.他以他祖父的名为名。My grandad was a coal miner.祖父是一名煤炭工人。Our grandfather was the family's patriarch.我们的祖父是这个家的家长。Grandfather's ghost stories sent chills up my spine.祖父的鬼故事吓得我脊梁骨发冷。He's a grandfather for the first time. And he's over the moon about it.他第一次做祖父,真乐坏了。My grandfather fought in World War II.祖父参加过第二次世界大战。My grandpa's attitudes are very modern, considering his age.考虑到我祖父的年龄的话,他的看法相当新潮。His grandfather had met an untimely end as the result of too much whisky.他的祖父因为过量饮用威士忌而早逝。My grandfather treasured that violin until the day he died.祖父一直珍藏着那把小提琴直到去世。My grandfather used to smoke a pipe.祖父过去吸烟斗。




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