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词汇 to move
例句 Throws of the dice allows a player to move himself forward.掷骰子后,玩家可相应向前移动。People are having to move to other areas in pursuit of work.为了找工作人们不得不迁移到其他地区。The mule got his back up and refused to move.骡子犯倔,不肯走了。The marines stood ready to move out at short notice.海军陆战队准备一接到命令就开拔。 You have to move around a lot in this job.干这份工作,你得到处奔波。 Relocation expenses were paid to encourage senior staff to move to the region.公司发放了安置费来鼓励高级员工搬到这个地区。Some parents experienced difficulty when they tried to move their children to other schools.有些父母在为子女转学时遇到了困难。They are establishing a network of pumps and pipelines to move the oil.他们要建立一个油泵和管线的网络输送石油。Ruth and Al are going to move to Seattle.鲁思和阿尔打算搬迁到西雅图去。The hospital refused to move her, implying she was still at risk of committing suicide.医院拒绝送她走,并暗示说她仍有自杀的危险。We are not doing enough to move students through the educational system with a faster level of skill accretion.让学生在教育系统中更快地增长技能,在这方面我们做得还不够。She stubbornly refused to move.她固执地拒绝挪动位置。He felt the only way to emancipate himself from his parents was to move away.他感到摆脱父母约束的唯一方式就是搬出去住。They wanted to move out of town and start a new life in the country.他们想搬离城市去乡村开始新的生活。His government has pledged to move the country towards a plural democracy.他的政府已承诺要推动本国朝着多元民主的方向发展。We hired a van to move my mother into sheltered accommodation.我们租了一辆厢式货车来帮我母亲搬到养老院去住。I couldn't wait to move out of my cramped apartment.我迫不及待地想从我那个狭小的公寓房里搬出去。I'm amazed you managed to move those boxes all by yourself.你居然能一个人搬动那些箱子,真让我吃惊。US workers claim plans are afoot to move work to Germany.美国工人称正有人计划着把工作地点迁到德国。We've decided to move out of the country/state/city.我们已经决定离开这个国家/州/城市。We tried to move the fallen tree, but even with the three of us we could not budge it.我们想搬开那株倒下的树,可是即使我们三个人一起动手还是动不了它。Mom and Dad had always planned to move into a smaller house when we grew up.爸妈一直计划等我们长大了他们要搬到小一点的房子里去。That guy tried to move in on my girlfriend.那家伙想抢走我的女朋友。The pneumatic robot uses air to move and sticks to surfaces by suction.气动机器人利用空气来移动,靠吸力附着于各种表面。For some unexplained reason, he wants to move to Ipswich.不知何故,他想搬到伊普斯威奇去。We have repented for past sins. Now it's time to move on.我们已为过去的过错忏悔,现在该移步前行了。We had to move that student down to an easier class.我们得把那个学生调到慢班去。 She gave up a good job in the city to move to the country in search of the good life.她放弃了城里的好工作,搬到乡下去追求美好生活。We're hoping to move to a bigger house by the end of the year.我们希望年底前能搬到一个较大的房子里居住。The sky lightened as the clouds began to move away but darkened again when the clouds returned.天空随着云彩的移动时亮时暗。She nursed a secret desire to move to the city.她心底有个愿望,想搬到那座城市去。The line of people waiting to get on the bus begin to move up a little.等候上公共汽车的队伍开始向前挪动。 The trial continues to move along.实验在继续进行之中。He tried to move the sofa but couldn't.他试图搬动那张沙发,但搬不动。I pulled a muscle trying to move the piano into the apartment.我想把钢琴搬进公寓里,结果拉伤了肌肉。Howard was jack of it and ready to move on.霍华德对它厌烦了,打算做点别的。Hibernating insects begin to move.蛰伏的昆虫们开始活动。Marie decided not to move, but she neglected to inform the rental agency.玛丽决定不搬家了,但忘了通知租房代理行。We had to move the washing machine out to get at the wiring behind it.我们只得把洗衣机挪出来才能够到后面的电源线。The settlers began to move inland and populate the river valleys.移民开始迁往内陆,居住在河谷地带。




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