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词汇 社区内
例句 The emphasis on social integration often served to obscure the real differences within the community.对社会融合的强调往往会掩饰社区内真正的分歧。Many people in the community have rallied to the mayor's side. 社区内很多人都公开支持市长。Our main objective is to help disabled people lead independent lives within the community.我们的主要目标是帮助社区内的残疾人过独立自主的生活。He was now a teacher and a respectable member of the community.他现在是一位教师,并且是社区内受人尊敬的一员。Together with the police everyone can play a part in improving the security of their neighborhood.每个人都可以和警察一起改善社区内的治安。A pair of con men have been tricking older people in the community out of their life savings.两个骗子在社区内诈骗老年人一生的积蓄。He is devoting much of his energy to implanting an element of distrust in the community.他竭力在社区内撒播猜疑的种子。They now have a good chance of winning the battle against violence and drugs in the community.他们现在完全有机会战胜社区内的暴力和毒品。Your community officer can give you advice on how to prevent crime in your area.你们的社区警官可以给你们提些建议,告诉你们如何防止社区内的犯罪。She grew up in a small Wisconsin community which she characterizes as conservative.她在威斯康星州的一个小社区内长大,她称这个小社区的居民思想保守。The nucleating factors of a community are rooming houses, bars, pool rooms, etc.集体寄宿所、酒吧间、弹子房等是社区内的人集结的因素。




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