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词汇 have a right
例句 We have a right to a living wage.我们有权得到足够维持生活的薪资。Our citizens have a right to expect truthful reports from their government.我们的公民有权要求政府提供内容真实的报告。Workers have a right to organize.工人们有权组织工会。If a patient is dying, I don't think doctors have a right to keep it from them.如果一个病人快要死了,我认为医生无权对他们隐瞒真相。People have a right to decide how to spend their own money.民众有权决定怎么花自己的钱。People have a right to enjoy their holidays how they wish and it ill behoves a journalist to sneer at them.人们有权按照自己的意愿去享受假期,新闻记者讥笑他们是不合适的。Every nation should have a right to elect their own government.每个国家都应该有权选举出自己的政府。All children in the state have a right to public education.本州的所有儿童都有权接受公共教育。People should have a right to know what is on their credit history.人们应该有权了解自己的信用记录。I think you have a right to feel very disappointed.我觉得你感到很失望是可以理解的。They have a right to determine their own future.他们有权决定自己的未来。They have a right to their own culture, their own religion, their own language, and so on.他们有权拥有自己的文化、宗教、语言等等。We've had a very successful year, and I think we have a right to blow our own horn a little.过去一年我们非常成功,我想我们可以稍微自夸一下。You have a right to return any shoddy goods you might buy.如果买到劣质商品,你有权将它退回。Celebrities have a right to privacy.名人有隐私权。You have a right to be proud of yourselves.你们有理由感到自豪。You have a right to trial by jury.你有权要求陪审团审判。The Baltic people have a right to determine their own future.波罗的海各国人民有权决定自己的未来。Consumers have a right to know what they are buying.消费者有权知道他们购买的是什么东西。A tenant may have a right of first refusal if a property is offered for sale.若房产要出售,承租人可以有优先购买权。We have a right of way across his field to our respective houses.我们享有通行权,可穿越他的田地各自回家。The immigrants have a right to retain their language.移民有权保留其语言。Tourists have a right to expect a reasonable standard of accommodation.游客们有权期望得到较好的住宿。




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