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词汇 社交生活
例句 My social life and business life are closely tied.我的社交生活和工作联系紧密。I joined the club to improve my social life.我参加了俱乐部,以改善我的社交生活Don't let your social life get in the way of your education.不要让社交生活影响你的学业。His lack of social life was beginning to get him down.他缺少社交生活,慢慢地就变得很消沉了。His life was carefully compartmentalized, with his work in one city and his social life in another.他的生活划分得很精细:工作在一个城市,社交生活在另一个城市。She leads a busy social life.她的社交生活繁忙。Effie, you're not made for such society life.埃菲,你生来不适合这种社交生活She has a busy/hectic social life. 她的社交生活繁忙。Jane began to rebuild her social life which had been non-existent since her marriage.简开始重新建立自己自结婚以来便陷于沉寂的社交生活What was the social life like when you were a student nurse?你当实习护士的时候社交生活如何?When I was dieting, that was when my social life started going down the tube.我节食的时候,也就切断了一切社交生活I have a good social life.我有丰富的社交生活I have a fantastic social life.我的社交生活丰富多彩。An active social life may make the boredom of work more tolerable.活跃的社交生活可以使单调的工作变得好受一些。Her work is impinging on her social life.她的工作妨碍了她的社交生活Her social life got in the way of her studies.她的社交生活妨碍了学业。Susie chatted away about her social life.苏茜聊起了她的社交生活He carefully recorded the minutiae of his social life in his diary.他在日记中仔细记录了自己社交生活的细节。Jane began to rebuild her social life.简开始恢复社交生活This busy social life was a complete contrast to his old quiet life.这种忙碌的社交生活同他过去平静的生活截然不同。George stayed out of the social life of the school.乔治置身于该校社交生活之外。The party would make a pleasant diversion in his rather dull social life.这个聚会可以非常好地调剂一下他相当沉闷的社交生活Her social life was picking up at last.她的社交生活终于有了起色。And thanks for pointing out that my social life sucks.我谢谢你说我社交生活一塌糊涂。Having small children really restricts your social life.家里有很小的孩子确实会妨碍你的社交生活They work long and unsociable hours.他们工作时间长,这样对社交生活很不利。Working so late is starting to play havoc with her social life.工作到那么晚开始扰乱她的社交生活Your social life must not get in the way of your studies.你不能让社交生活影响学业。A knees-up at the village hall was the highlight of the social calendar.在村子会堂里举办的舞会是社交生活中最精彩的部分。She describes herself as a "well-rounded individual" who works hard but has a varied social life.她把自己描述成一个“全面发展的人”,工作努力,社交生活也丰富多彩。Despite these disadvantages, many older people maintain an active social life.尽管有这些不便因素,许多老年人仍保持着活跃的社交生活




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