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词汇 礼服
例句 The female vocalist came on in a long white gown.女歌手身穿白色长礼服走上台来。Her elegant dress had a silver sheen.她那件优雅的礼服有一种银色光泽。The little pageboys were dressed in kilts and the bridesmaids in pink dresses.小男傧相们身着苏格兰式短裙,伴娘们则穿着粉红色礼服I wanted a simple black dress, nothing fancy.我想要一件简洁的黑色礼服,不要花哨的东西。The bridesmaids wore apricot and white organza.伴娘身着杏黄色和白色相间的透明硬纱礼服Her dress for Christmas is on layaway.她的圣诞礼服已预付货款定好。She wore a dress of crimson silk to the dinner and was the belle of the ball.她穿了一件深红色的丝质礼服赴宴,成为宴会上最美的女人。She wore a jewelled gown and a tiara.她身穿镶有珠宝的礼服,头戴冠状头饰。Should I wear the red dress or the black one?我应该穿红色的礼服还是黑色的礼服?She was wearing a chic little number.她穿着一件时髦的礼服She is gowned by the most exclusive Paris designers.她由最顶尖的巴黎设计师为她设计礼服The boys were identically dressed in black suits.男孩们清一色地穿上了黑色礼服The dress is a stunning creation in green, gold, and white.这件礼服以绿色、金色和白色搭配,是绝妙的设计。Get your glad rags on and prepare to party.穿上礼服,准备参加聚会。Her gown was thin, and she shivered, partly from cold.她的礼服很薄,浑身在发抖,一半是冻的。I'm wearing a scarlet dress to the party.我准备穿一件大红色的礼服去参加聚会。Heavy walking shoes are incongruous with a party dress.笨重的远足鞋和宴会的礼服配在一起,实在不相称。The dress is lambswool – pure luxury.礼服是用羔羊毛制作的 — 绝对奢华。She wore the gown off the shoulder.她穿着露肩的礼服The Queen was in full ceremonial dress for the state opening of Parliament.女王穿着整套礼服出席了国会的正式开幕典礼。They followed the Greek convention of pinning gifts of money to the bride's dress.他们遵循希腊习俗,把钱作为礼物别在新娘的礼服上。Beads stud the surface of the gown.小珠子点缀在礼服上。My gown had rucked up.我的礼服皱了。The wedding was more than a year away but she had already bought a dress for it.距婚礼还有一年多时间,可她已经买好了一套礼服In some countries it is traditional for a bride to wear white.在某些国家的传统中,新娘要穿白色礼服I'll need to have/get the dress altered before the wedding.我要在婚礼之前请人把这身礼服改改。The bridegroom was dressed in a grey suit.新郎穿一套灰色礼服Ted was resplendent in his best grey suit.特德穿著他最好的灰色礼服,光彩夺目。The Princess was wearing a dark green dress made of raw silk.王妃穿了一件墨绿色的生丝礼服She wore a glamorous black gown.她穿着一件漂亮的黑色礼服She looked pretty and rather fragile, dressed in black velvet.她穿着黑色的天鹅绒礼服,看上去娇小美丽。Her gown was very French and very chic.她的礼服颇具法国风情,非常别致。The bride wore white with a pearl headdress.新娘身穿白色礼服,戴着珍珠头饰。The bridesmaids were dressed in yellow.伴娘都身着黄色礼服I need a new outfit for the wedding.我需要一套新礼服在婚礼上穿。The king, in full ceremonial dress, presided over the ceremony.女王身着礼服盛装主持仪式。The bride wore a lovely lace wedding gown.新娘穿了一件美丽的蕾丝礼服She put her only party frock on.她把自己唯一一件宴会礼服穿上了。She came gliding gracefully into the ballroom in a long, flowing gown.她身着一袭飘逸的礼服,优雅轻盈地快步走进舞厅。The dress reflects our signature style of understated elegance with a strong feeling of individuality.这套礼服展现出我们含蓄优雅但又极具个性的特质。




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